Chapter 1

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Kara Danvers started her day as usual. She woke up at 7am, starvation blinding her mind, and headed to the kitchen. Alex was already there, preparing a breakfast appropriate to feed half of National City's population. As grumpy as she was, the blonde girl managed to grumble a 'Good morning' to her sister, who replied in the same way. Kara ate as if it was her last day on Earth, and with each bite she took at those blueberry pancakes, her mood grew a little more calm. Although it was early in the morning, she felt excited about the day ahead of her at CatCo. She had been planning a report she was already feeling proud of, and knew her boss would love it.
Her boss... It still felt weird calling Lena, her best friend, 'boss', not that she didn't enjoy it. Having Lena Luthor around the whole day was the absolute best thing Kara could've ever imagined. Every morning, Kara bought a dozen donuts and brought them to Lena's office, before heading to hers. And, at the end of the day, they walked together to the Danvers sisters' apartment. Kara was still waiting for the time when Lena would tire out of her constant presence. Nevertheless, she refused to worry about that. For now, they were the best of friends, and nothing could make Kara stay away from the brunette.
She finished eating after a few minutes, while Alex still took sips at her coffee. She was sooo slow... With a smile starting to appear on her lips, Kara got up and headed to her room, where she finally put on some 'work appropriate' clothes. She walked steadily towards the door, gave her sister a sweet kiss on her forehead, and went straight out of the apartment. She could've easily flown to the CatCo building, but even Supergirl needed to take the bus each morning.  After adjusting her glasses and smoothing out her skirt, she entered her workplace, a paper bag full of doughnuts hanging on her hand.
Smiling brightly as ever, Kara greeted every single person she encountered in her way to her office. When she finally saw the door that would guide her to her office, she strolled past it, already picturing Lena's wide smile in her mind.
The blonde girl didn't even knock before entering her best friend's department, announcing her presence to the brunette sitting behind the computer with a loud 'Morning! I brought donuts!' Lena gave her a long glance from behind her glasses, grinning at her.
'Good morning, darling. Did you sleep well?', the Luthor said, standing up and letting herself rest against the large desk in the room. She'd taken her glasses off, and her eyes fixated on Kara's, who could only manage a nervous chuckle before answering.
'Yeah, sure. I mean, do not tell anyone...', she started, lowering her voice, as if a secret was about to be spilled. 'But Alex snores in her sleep, and loudly.'
Her expression was dead-serious, and her friend let out a shy laugh. Lena was not used to laughing so much, but Kara's cuteness and silly jokes always got the best of her. 'Oh, I'm sure she does. Maybe we should have a sleepover sometime this week...', Lena suggested, suddenly looking down at her hands and feeling like a young teenager, butterflies causing a thunderstorm in her stomach. She knew it made no sense to feel that way around Kara: they'd been best friends for over a year, and she was the one person Lena trusted more in the whole world. Still, she felt the constant need to not be 'too much' for her friend. She had never had a friend, a real friend like Kara, and her feelings about her were... uncertain, to say the least.
'Of course! That'd be great.' Kara's voice dragged Lena out of her anxious thoughts. The blonde girl approached her friend, handing her a sugar-powered donut (Lena's favourite, clearly). They sat on the couch next to each other, but not too close, eating as they did every morning. Kara filled the room with her stories, telling Lena all about some report she was working on, the previous night and the movie she'd seen with her sister. The brunette looked as though she was listening to each word carefully, but her mind was not focused on the plot of the film. She could only think about Kara's blue eyes, about the way her hair fell in front of her face, about how soft her lips looked... how would it feel to touch them, to kiss them? She was completely lost in her, until her friend called her out.
'Lena? Are you alright? Oh no, is there something on my face? I probably have chocolate...' Kara started touching her face, trying to wipe out whatever was there. Lena, however, laughed and shook her head, so that her hair would cover her blushing cheeks.
'Don't worry, love, I'm okay, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with your face.' A smile came out of nowhere to the Luthor's face, and she was unable to hide it.
'Oh, okay. So... I guess I'd better get going.' Kara suddenly got up, leaving Lena's side on the couch. 'I wouldn't want my boss to find me outside of my office, you know?' Said Kara smirking, before winking to her friend.
Lena stood up as well. 'Of course not! I hear that boss is quite awful, so go! I promise I won't tell a word.' She said with a straight face, but a smile reappeared on her face when she found herself between Kara's arms, in a tight hug.
'I love you, nerd.' Kara whispered.
'I love you too, darling.' Answered Lena, hiding her face in her friend's neck.

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