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AN: the SCP Foundation is a group created by several governments to contain and secure anomalous objects and creatures. The documents describing the facility only describe little amounts. The information and locations are redacted as are the names of several of the foundation personnel. You will find information covered in [redacted].

-ThatOneOpGamer. Former scientist of the SCP Foundation.

The blue armored truck sped through the cover of night.  Today was Friday. The day that the SCP foundation receives 20 more Criminal offenders.

The road was rough. They were on a dirt road.  A dimly lit tunnel shines in the distance slowly approaches them as the truck drives closer.

Most of the subjects were sleeping, but one stayed awake. He couldn't fall asleep from the rattling of the vehicle. He looked around at his fellow inmates. Some were fast asleep. They looked gruff and dirty as if they had been living on the noisy streets in the city.
Dave never had to live on the streets. He got caught hacking a government facility named Site-[redacted]. Now he was going there as a prisoner.

He had a choice between death or a month at a government lab. The fact that it wasn't a life sentence to the lab had him suspicious but anything is better than death.

The truck pulled up at a concrete wall with a reinforced steel gate. The driver got out and signed some paperwork at a checkpoint while the guard kept his eye on the Criminals. The driver got back in and waited for the giant steel gate to open. The gate had a warning notice on it but the truck drove forward before he could read it.

The truck pulled up and several guards started waking the others up and dragged them out of the vehicle. Dave got down from it then let the guards handcuff him. One criminal jumped out of line. He had a beard and his employee tag showed his name: "Brendan [redacted]" (please tell me if you would like the reference to your name removed)


Rapid machine gun fire came from almost every direction. Dave looked at the towering walls where he estimated about 40 heavily armed guards were standing. Through the darkness he could see typical assault team uniform. Similar to the uniforms the SWAT team wore when he was arrested. Dave knew just from the way all the guards reacted that there was no way of escaping. Not like he wanted though. One month isn't that long.

"You've seen what we do to those who misbehave, stay in line" warned one of the guards as he reloaded his rifle.

They walked up a flimsy metal panel staircase and walked down a black hallway, Dave wasn't sure if the hallway was painted or if it was a black fungus or goo covering the wall.  The hallway led to an elevator which they were forced into. The elevator was quite cramped but Dave wasn't going to complain for fear of being injured by one of the guards. The elevator finally arrived at the bottom and the criminals all walked in a line. Every hallway seemed the same. Just a white wall with a slim orange line in the middle.

The body of man in an orange jumpsuit surrounded by black blood scared Dave. The head had been snapped at the base of the neck.

"Don't mind the body. He died because he didn't listen to us" stated the guard

Dave highly doubted that.

They kept walking across similar looking hallways until they reached a room filled with orange uniforms and tattoo machines. The machines were tall closed spaces with small glass panes.  The guards pushed the criminals inside the machines while Dave got in on his own. A needle injected his neck.

"You have just been injected with anaesthetic to ensure you don't move. Goodnight!" Said a scientist who walked off.

Dave felt drowsy and felt the urge to sleep. He felt incredibly confined and could only see through a small glass pane. He tried to resist it but he couldn't and eventually fell asleep.

Time skip brought to you by [redacted]

Dave was pulled out of the machine by force. A guard then forced him into line where two scientists were handing out orange jumpsuits. Dave checked out his tattoo. "D-9273" was written on his wrist

He took the uniform he was given and put it on. It also said D-9273.

Dave was escorted through a lead hallway where he was sprayed with gas then escorted down into an elevator. He saw the destination "light containment"

"What does light cont..."

"Shut up D-9273"

Dave didn't expect the guard to be so rude but what could you expect from someone who works at night to keep track of criminals?

The guard escorted Dave to his cell which also said D-9273.

"Good luck sleeping. I tried it as a dare and it was impossible" Said the guard locking the door.

The cell was quite nice. It reminded him of a motel room. He tried sleeping on the bed. It was very uncomfortable but he was sure he would get used to it. There was a bathroom with a shower and a desk with a lamp. Unusual for a cell.

Dave was still suspicious on why it would only be a month of this place instead of a life sentence. What happened to the guy in the hallway? What would happen next?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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