Asshole Alex

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She sits with her pen just aching to write every problem of mine. Every detail she she wants to hear about my mental health. Honestly, my life isn't even that interesting. I have normal first world problems like any other stereotypical teen would.

Plus she already knows one thing about me anyway. Everyone does. I'm bipolar. Always have been and always will be.

Mrs. Vikki sighs. "Well, if you won't let me help you there's no point in you staying here." She points me to the door and I leave.

While walking out, a girl bumps into me. She had a good on but her black and gold curls still peeked out of it. A hint of cigarette smoke comes from her direction. She smells like Mike. God, I hate that bastard.

She just walks past me and Mrs. Vikki greets her in her normal cheery voice.

I walk through the empty halls to my locker to get my books for English. Mrs. Vikki somehow tracked me down before school started and was hoping we could talk. Now she probably regrets making me late for class once again.

I don't give a shit though. As long as I can avoid Alexander today then maybe there will be no more fighting and suspensions. That will make Mama and dad proud.

A hand comes from behind me and grabs the back of my shirt with a harsh tug. I turn to see Alexander's ugly, pimply face and he looks pissed.

"Well speak of the devil..." I mumble under my breath.

"What did you just say to me, you lil fucker." He huffs, looking me dead in the eye.

"I said you look so pissed that you just might shit yourself." I lie.

Sorry. I just can't help it. It's so funny to see this guy mad. He looks like a nerd with those glasses and his stupid flat top cut. The only thing scary about him is that he's built well. But so am I.

He gets ready to punch me but luckily I block him.

"We both know this isn't the best time to fight, Alex. We can't risk getting suspended again. Suspension just holds you back and I know goddamn well your mom will beat your ass when that happens." I grin, tilting my head.

Alex let's go and shoves me in the lockers. He stomps away like a toddler to class.

Shit. That was too close.

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