How Taurus does and does not work. And general knowledge of its Monarchs, political status and "Inmates".
Taurus is not Hell it is not Hevan. It is simply soul trafficking that every soul goes through before they go to their own afterlife. Regardless of religion(or lack thereof)or how many boxes other souls put you in. The only way you get to hell is if you sell your soul to a demon or are part demon yourself (while you live anyway). If you find yourself in the limbo there are several things you must know to not end up as his grace's newest plaything (Faeries become creative when boredom strikes.)
The first being, do not panic, fear will not save you from your death, you are now dead.... get over it. The second is to simply walk until you reach a brick road. (his grace has a dark sense of humor. He knows very well you are no longer in Kansas) follow this road. Do not look at the changelings, they are not who they say. Third, do not rest until you reach the golden gates. A wyvern will guide you to his majesty. If you survive congratulations, enjoy your immortality. If you do not, please leave all the complaints with the changelings they will be happy to meat with you.
"Who is his grace?" His grace is Fibonacci Penumbra Eucalyptusson, First in line of the Fae folk after Gia's corruption and decent into Queen Chrysalis, husband of King Buchanan Cerberusson, profound bibliophile, artist and Duke of Taurus. It should also be known that Eucalyptus the Embodiment of Nature is his sire. His grace will not tolerate the accusations made falsely against himself, husband or Taurus. This is your first, final and only warning to dare disrespect the house of judgment. Fibonacci Penumbra Eucalyptusson is mischievous, but not outrightly cruel unless provoked. The line of cruelty to a Fae is grey to that of a human or pony, provoked is even more so.
"Who is his majesty?" His Majesty is Buchanan Cerberousson, King of Taurus, wraith-spawn, husband of his grace Duke of Taurus Fibonacci Eucalyptusson. The Formerly youngest air to the throne of judgment (King Buchanann) passed laws preventing hate crimes to be excused from sins with the scapegoat of religion. A lover of the arts, plant life and illusions. His Majesty will not tolerate any use of dead names, bigotry language or lies made in court. Such verbal attacks will not save you from your fate. It will only Brobdingnag your guilt and final testimony. Failure to understand these parameters will lead to a most sticky end of ends. (to reiterate the line of cruelty to a Fae is grey to a human or pony for example) It should be known that Cerberus is his sire. His mother a Wiccan zebra by the name of Zecora.
Inmates of Taurus are those.... to put it simply, those who refuse to follow worldly laws or have nowhere else to spend eternity from no fault but your own in life but deserve an immortal soul of your own volition none the less. It is not tormenting unless you have broken laws, it is not paradise unless you have earned it.
This has been very helpful to you, traveler.
(Written by Pendragon the Pseudonym.)
Penumbra Archives
FanfictionManuscripts from a vague yet possibly menacing multidimensional author. -pendragon the pseudonym