Parable of the Bed

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Why are beds magnets for our tears?

Why do we freely share our secrets with our bed?

Why can we show our weakness to our bed?

        Come on, admit it you've broken down on your bed at some point. We are all hurting, some are just better at hiding it that others, I should know, I'm a guy, we are bound to wearing the tough-guy facade all the time. Have you ever saw a guy breakdown and cry?? No. That's what I thought. But the question is have you seen a guy alone in his room? Well if you're thinking that all the things that happen in a guy's room are inappropriate then YOU ARE GRAVELY MISTAKEN because even the toughest guys have cried alone in their rooms. Ironic isn't guys who are by all means deemed " stronger" can't even do a simple thing such as cry in public. You see I think to be able to call yourself strong you can't only rely on the physical aspect. True strength for me is being able to show your weakness to somebody. So back to the question why are beds magnets for our tears?

Well I think I now know why...  It is simply because we know that
It will listen,

It will understand,

It will not judge,

It will forgive,

And it will lend us strength...

        But I did not know this until recently. My name is Nymus P. Anon. I'm a writer, a failure but none the less, I still write. You see I met people and for once in my life I accomplished something. It came to me because of my friends Danielle, Shane, Meredith, Sofia and Bernice. And yes if you're wondering they are all girls, I'm that kind of guy that has a lot of female friends. So anyways they were the ones who taught me that it's not always lonely when you're alone. Remember you'll always have a shoulder to cry on, a hand to help you stand and wipe you tears away, arms that will share that embrace. It can all be done by your bed and I bet it has done so someway or another. So cheer up, wipe the tears away, smile tomorrow is another day. You might not be prepared to face life's challenges today but remember like what Einstein said you'll never learn unless you've made a mistake. So take the deep breath, count to three, take that first step and someday when you look back you've left all your problems eating dust.


These stories are for those troubled people out there like me who just want to hear that other people are fighting the same battles and that you are not alone. I do hope that in this simply way I can make somebody's day become a little bit brighter.

your brother in arms


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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