SpineHollow Dungeons

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"Look Claire." Dennis, my irritating twelve year old brother said.  "It's you."

He pointed towards the potrait on the wall in which a girl sat on a velvet chair in a very luxurious-looking room with silk duvets stretched along the beds and cream-colored curtains in the background. The girl had blonde hair coiled up around her face and was wearing a rose-colored dress that had numerous curves across the net fabric and fell around her legs and feet that were covered with cream-white high stiletto heels. Their were polished twin tables infront of her on which stood empty liqueur glasses. The girl in the picture was unfortuneatly me.

"Very funny." I muttered, sarcastically as he broke into hysterical laughter.

"Claire the hare." Dennis repeated in a lesuirely tone. "Claire the Hare."

I am in fact very similar to a hare because of my frizzy blonde hair, slight buckteeth, pink nose and my long legs which can run swiftly. However my eyes are a very beautiful light chestnut color and are guarded by long thick eyelashes that curl up usually with the help of my expensive blue mascara. I inherited my eyes from my mom and the hair and other features from dad. 

"Shut up." I yelled, angrily and felt like wringing his neck.

"Claire the hare ---

"Is everything alright?" Mom interuppted while standing in the middle of the doorway with a laundry basket in her hands, her dark hair were coiled up and clasped tighlty at the back of her head. She was wearing a long green silk dressing gown and her wine-red varnished nails were camouflauged as she held the crimson laundry baskets sides. Her rich chestnut eyes flashed at us wearily.

"We're cool." Dennis assured and attempted to hug me but I shoved him off.

"Good." Mom commented with a graceful smile forming over her smooth ombre lips before disappearing down the dark corridors. Dennis turned towards me with a gleeful grin stretched across his lips, his dark brown eyes seemed to twinkle.

"Let's go explore the spinehollow dungeons." he proposed the idea while wriggling his fingers half-hidden under  red fingerless gloves which had black fabriced rims and then he slipped his hands into the pockets of his grey jeans and leaned forward towards me.

"The dungeons are haunted." I whispered with an effort to scare him. "The spirits of SpineHollow live in their."

"Come on." Dennis muttered. "I'm too old for that nonsense."

 Yeah, he wasn't immature anymore and had the proper common sense of what was true and what wasn't because he was in his last years of chilhood and after that he'd turn into me, an even more sensible thirteen year old teenager so I didn't think he'd fall for anything I'd say now.

"I don't think it's safe." I confessed. "Mom and dad wouldn't permit us to go."

"Leave it to me." he replied professionally and as he stood up his cap tilted to one side, spiky black hair poked out from underneath and fell in between his eyes. I had to admit that my brother was kind of cute and his sense of style was cool. Dennis always wore the same thin black and white jacket over grey jeans and branded white sneakers and the red cap sat on his spiky black hedgehog hair all day long. He said that gentleman clothing didn't suit him.

"You'll convince mom and dad?" I asked him uneasily. "Dennis do you really think this is a good idea?"

"Don't sweat." he replied while lowering his cap over his dark brown eyes. "I'll be back in a minute."

He walked out of the room with soft footsteps over the dark wooden floor and disappeared down into the long shadowy corridors. Personally, whenever I passed by them I felt my sixth sense stirring, the feeling that someone was watching me or following me but it was all just a result of my morbid imagination. I felt paranoid at times and then I'd have to calm and assure myself that it was all fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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