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Inspired by, my own dream, and some real events.


Kit can't look away.

His eyes locked on the view in front of him.

His current center of affection for the last one and a half year, one of his juniors in the photography club.

Mingkwan Daichapanya.

The said male was putting a piece of paper on Kit's desk, while the owner was still standing still by the class entrance.

Kit swear he could see Mingkwan's warmest smile as he looking at the paper. Behind him was the sunlight slightly peeking between the curtain.

After making sure that the paper wouldn't flew away, Ming walked away from Kit's desk. He's now moving closer to Kit who who's still frozen. He smiled brightly when he notices Kit staring still at him, and the smile never leave his face even after he walked passes his senior.

With Ming's gone at the corridor turn, Kit sprint to his desk. Fortunately, it was still at lunch hour so the class is empty.

He's staring at the paper on his desk.

It says 'meet me after your classes's done. I want to say something'.

That's it, no sender. But he's 100% sure that it's Mingkwan's handwriting.

"What the hell..." Kit mumbled to himself. The message was so unclear. Where should he meet Ming? Does that junior of him expected Kit to go to Ming's faculty? Which is like, at the other side of the campus.

Or did Ming is going to pick him up at Kit's faculty?

Either way, he has to tell Beam and Phana that he will not be going home with them today.


Everything started at the beginning of his second year in the university. Kit has never thought that his whole world would be turned upside down.

He has always been an admired person. With his best friend Phana who's already labeled as one of the most handsome man in the University, Kit and Beam, his other best friend got Phana's vibes too.

The three call them self as the 'Crazy-Med-Gang'. They are Med-Faculty's students and they can be noisy as fuck literary everywhere they go. There's no living being at their University that has no idea about the Crazy-Med-Gang

But it all changes when a first year with a smile, cold and calm yet so warm like the full moon write down his name at the submission paper of photography club, Kit who's in charge at the submission table has unconsciously engraved the name to his heart.

'Mingkwan Daichapanya'

With that, Kit is now an admirer.

Not that he will ever admit it.

Mingkwan is a very funny person, a good company to hang out with, and a good friend to have. He's a freshman at the Engineering Faculty.

And it just made Kit falls more to the junior.

The typical first impression.

As soon as Ming joined every photography club's activities, Kit notices that the younger was a total annoyance.

But Kit has his way.

Ming's the only junior that would ask questions non-stop and even if the questions are reasonable, the other seniors are having enough of it already. Kit however, as much as Ming's annoying for him, he still feels happier that Ming look up to him as if he's the last hope for Ming's endless questions.

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