19 || Her Life's End?

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The submarine had gone deeper into the dark waters of the ocean. There, it became disturbing and insanely nervracking. The humans are more than 800 meters below sea level.

Many sea creatures like deep sea eels and small schools of fish swim around the alien object. Y/n thought it was quite amazing to experience, but knowing that she is involved with Transformers, the military, and additional dangers are to be expected. Y/n hopes everything will give her a break. The alien ship had sensed the submarine approaching and it lit up and rumbled.

"The ship knows we are here." Cade said.

Shortly after the submarine was allowed inside the ship, the sub is lifted to the surface where an air pocket waited for the humans and two Transformers. Bumblebee turned on his headlights on his chest to get alook at where the sub had chosen to rest. Of course, he couldn't leave out checking on Y/n.

"What now?" Y/n asked, walking to the tip of the sub.

"You're the last knight. You're the Earl's special girl. You'll figure it out." Cogman replied to her confidently.

Y/n walks up to Bee's eye level and touches his metallic cheeks. "I'm not sure about this, Bee. Something could go wrong." She gazed into those bright blue optics of his, Seeing the different gadgets and how they functioned to provide Bee's sight.

He answered her, assuring his girl that she will be protected. "I'll be right beside you. Don't worry."

"If we do get out of this, what then?" She asked, curious about his intelligent answer.

"When we get out of this-- we will go wherever you want." Bee said, also using his optics to communicate with more emotion.

Y/n nodded happily and calmed herself as the talisman wrapped tighter on her arm. She jumps into the cold water to continue the mission. "Come on, guys." She said.

"I'm not going in that water. My gears would be sucked into my main shaft." Cogman said out loud. Bee is tired of hearing Cogman complain, so he roughly pushed the butler into the water and heard Cogman say, "You and Cade are officially on my sh*t list."

"Would you shut up?" Cade looks at him.

The three armed humans, Cogman, and Bumblebee wandered the ship quietly and cautiously. Old markings on the walls made Y/n wonder how long Transformers have really been around besides when Merlin was alive. She wishes she could go back in time to see how it all started, how Bee became B-127 from his recent first name to ZB-7 and finally to Bumblebee. She blinked out of thought.

"This is unbelievable." Viv said.

Cade agreed. "Yeah, it is unbelievable."

Y/n pulled out a flare and lit it. "What did the old man want us to do?" Once the flare lit up the area, a piece of the wall collapsed to show another side of the ship. She felt that the talisman was talking to her-- showing the way home plate.

Cade got excited. "Bee, go around, find another way. Come on."

"What? Are you serious?-- Think I like winding up in a place like this?" He asked himself, climbing above the walls and using the vines.

"The talisman wants us to go this way." Y/n led the way.

As they stroll through like it is a walk in the park, Viviane and Cade start throwing comments to each other while Y/n led them. She can't believe they are doing this right now, but hey, better to say it before you're dead.

Y/n looked down to a hole in the ship that let off a bright glow to it. She assumes the staff is right below them. "I think it's here." She said, climbing down the vines. The bottom is beautiful. There are three guardian knights at the edge of the large circular platform. They are stiff and hopefully will stay that way.

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