D3AD 1NS1D3: The Phoenix Chronicles [Prologue]

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Lilly and Lex if you are watching this then I have died and you're the last of the family.

Keep each-other safe, the people of this events that you're about see are either dead , in person or still among the people you know and meet in your day to day lives.

Sadly your mother was not around long enough to give you this message herself.

There is another war coming, one worst than any I have ever fought in

I'll be watching over you always

Sincerely, you father, Mike Schrodinger


This is the story of a group of heroes known as D3AD 1NS1D3. D3AD 1NS1D3 was a government-run PMC (Privatized Military Corporation) created in 3113. We were sent in when all other options have been exhausted. In the year 3121, we were betrayed by the government we once worked for, so now we are hired guns for anyone who opposes this "new world order" as we fight against the forces we once worked for. I am Phoenix, in case you didn't know, and this; this is how our story begins. 

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