chapter 3

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Amara smiled enchantingly at his answer. She walked forward towards his desk. 

"What's the catch?" She asked sweetly and he grimaced.

"Sadly, no catch. If there's one thing I know about mermaids it is that they only care about three things. Their pearl, their tail, and stealing the hearts of men. You've lost the ability to have two of those things." He oberseved and she scoffed.

"I've only lost my tail." She said indignantly and he gave her a dead panned look.

"The witch said you must get along with humans correct? To do that, stealing the heart of the boys at this school is prohibited, unless you'd like to never go back to the Ocean?" He asked her. She remained quiet, realizing it was true. Her eyes actually started to water and Headmaster Cross had to suppress an eye roll.

"B-but..." She trailed off.

"That's the rule." He affirmed and she scowled at the ground and scoffed.

"So there is a catch?" She asked dryly and he nodded.

"I suppose there is." He said sheepishly.

"Very well." She sighed, sounding much more human then she had the whole time he'd been talking to her, probably her whole life. "I will need a room key and my uniform. And I don't want a roommate. That could be disasterous...for her." She says dismissively. The headmaster purses his lips and nods, deciding this was about as civil as ever was going to be.

"Yes I'll have a tailor make your uniform and a class schedule created for you. However there is only one Sun dorm girl room left and you'll have a roommate." He says and she scowls once more, the look unusually pretty for such an ugly expression she was making.

"Fine." She huffed, inspecting her nails once more. "Can I go now? I have exploring to do." She told him.

"First there is something I am curious about. Your pearl. Why is it Silver?" He asked and there was silence. Amara shifted uncomfortably, hiding the bracelet behind her back, her pearl with it.

"That's forbidden to know." She responded monotonously and the Headmaste narrowed his eyes, not agreeing with that answer. But knowing mermaids, getting them to even speak about their pearl was dangerous. A mermaids pearl is like their life force. Amara had stated there was only way for a mermaid to die, but that was untrue. Mostly mermaids wouldn't reveal the other way, because it was dangerous to all mermaids. There was one other way to kill a Mermaid. And that was to smash her pearl. You crush a mermaids pearl and she dies.

However a mermaids pearl is much stronger then normal pearls, being created from the magical energy from a mermaid and the only way to smash a mermaids pearl? Well Headmaster Cross still hadn't figured that one out. Seemed even some mermaids didn't know either. But the headmaster had certain suspicion that Amara would know. If what Amara had said was true, she really had been alive for Fifty thousand years. Even while living in the ocean for all of it, she had to know a few things, about mermaids, vampires, and humans. There were secrets hidden behind those cold eyes. No, not cold. Deep. So deep you couldn't even imagine. Like the ocean. Tides of colors and mostly calm and beautiful, but holds inner dangers. Evils not even the headmaster could determine.

"I'm not asking for your Pearl, Amara, I am simply asking a question out of Curiosity. Why is the Pearl silver?" He asked once more but she just turned away haughtily, making it clear he would not be getting an answer out of her.

"You know it's beginning to not be a surprise anymore." She murmured.

"What?" The headmaster asked.

"Men not falling in love with me. It's this stupid academy. Zero's so in love with Yuuki that he didn't even look twice at me. You may be older then the foolish boys I steal hearts from, but even I should've made you fall in love with me, but you are completely unaffected. Does everyone here have a sad backstory, or do people here really just find true love?" She huffed in annoyance.

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