Getting Over Her

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Author's Note: So this is from my humanized high school AU. Well, what's a high school AU without love triangles and drama? So part of my inspiration for this was my OTP Flowby, but my other inspiration came from the changes that happened to Book during BFB, one of which being that she and Ice Cube left the alliance. I remember back in BFDIA, at one point, there was onscreen text saying that Ruby and Book were best friends, so I was curious about how Ruby would have initially reacted to her leaving the alliance. Just to be clear, this is NOT bashing on Book or Ice Cube or any of the characters. I just wanted to experiment with this idea. Anyway, there's some Ruby/Book, Book/Ice Cube, and Flower/Ruby ahead, but the way I wrote this, all of these can be interpreted platonically. Yeah, anyway, this is my first BFDI fan fiction in a super long time, so I hope it doesn't suck.

"We quit the cheer squad."

With those five words, Book broke Ruby's heart. However, Ruby just smiled and pretended that everything was alright.

"I'll miss you, Book!" Ruby said in a cheerful tone, trying to ignore the ache in her chest. Had this been any other situation, Ruby would have been proud of her acting skills, but right now, she was too heartbroken.

"I'll miss you too, Ruby," Book said, "but we're next door neighbors. It's not as if you'll never see me again."

'But you never talk to me anymore,' Ruby thought, 'since you've been too busy talking to Ice Cube.' However, she just smiled and said, "Alright, bye, Book!"

And then Book left the cheer squad for good, along with Ice Cube. Ruby's heart sank as she realized that what she suspected all along was true; Ruby wasn't Book's best friend anymore.


Being next door neighbors, Book and Ruby were best friends growing up. Book was always fond of her, and in turn, Ruby admired the brunette's sensibility and intelligence.

"Book! I need help with my homework! Pretty please with a cherry on top?" Ruby had asked once.

"Ruby, you know I can't do that," Book had responded.

"But Book, you're so good at solving everything! Pretty pretty please," Ruby pleaded, giving Book her puppy dog eyes.

A slight smile tugged at Book's lips, who was flattered by the compliment and how much Ruby seemed to admire her. "Alright, fine, I'll help you."

"Yay! You're the best!" Ruby yelled happily, as Book went to help her with her homework.

But everything changed when they met Ice Cube. Of course, Ruby knew it wasn't her fault, but she still couldn't help but feel jealous of her. Despite being the same age as Ruby, and being only one year younger than Book, she seemed to think of Ice Cube as some sort of little angel who needed protection. Well, Book has shown motherly instincts since she was a child, so of course she'd gravitate towards people who she deemed "needed protection". 

'But I need protection too,' Ruby thought as she watched Book grow closer to Ice Cube. In all honesty, Ice Cube looked the part of someone who needed protecting more than Ruby did. She had platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes, which gave her an angelic look. In contrast, Ruby had red hair and brown eyes. But she knew that Ice Cube wasn't the only reason for the rift between Ruby and Book.

The other reason was because of the most popular girls in school, Pencil, Match, and Bubble. For whatever reason, the three girls had decided that Ruby would make a great addition to their clique. At Ruby's insistence, they also let Book and Ice Cube into their clique too, but Pencil and Match made sure it was clear that only Ruby was truly invited. (Bubble didn't really seem to mind new members once she found out Pencil and Match weren't trying to replace her.) Ruby tried to make Book and Ice Cube feel welcome in their group, but she was also afraid of Pencil. However, for a while, when they were all in the cheer squad, it seemed as if everyone was getting along perfectly.

So why did Book and Ice Cube quit the cheer team?


"Ruby, are you okay?" Bubble asked, concerned.

Ruby, who had been deep in thought, startled when she heard Bubble's voice, but she just smiled and waved it off. "I'm fine, Bubble." Bubble was a good friend, and despite being one of the popular girls, she was one of the nicest girls in school. But there was just something missing in their friendship, something that, at least Ruby felt was, only something Book could provide.

"Are you sure, Ruby?" Bubble asked, her light blue eyes filled with worry.

"Yeah, I'm sure!" Ruby said, putting a bright smile on her face.

Bubble looked at her, unsure, as if she wanted to say something else, but just then, they heard Pencil's voice in the megaphone.

"Hey! It's time to practice our routine!" Pencil ordered. "We need to win Cheer Nationals!"

"Alright, Pencil!" Ruby replied obediently, her bright smile concealing the pain that still lingered in her heart.

After practice, Ruby declined a ride home in Pencil's van. She wanted to take a moment to stay behind at the school, just to be left alone with her and her thoughts.


"Hey, aren't you that girl at the school opening party who called me beautiful?"

"Huh?" Ruby asked, snapping out of her daze. She glanced up to see a pretty girl with golden hair and amber eyes. Ruby faintly remembered her from the school's opening party. She blushed as she remembered how she impulsively called the girl beautiful. "Uh, yeah..."

"Well," the girl said, "you obviously have good taste, so how'd you like to be my fashion apprentice?"

"Huh?" Ruby asked, flustered. 

"You'd be helping me design my new fashion outfits," the tall blonde told her. "I might even let you model some."

Ruby blinked. "Wait, you're a fashion designer?"

"Of course!" The tall girl boasted. She paused momentarily. "Well, maybe I'm not currently a world renowned fashion designer," the blonde admitted, "but I swear, one day, anyone who's anything in the fashion world will know of Flower Pètale!"

"Oh wow," Ruby said, intrigued and amazed by Flower's ambition and confidence.

"So what about it? Will you help me uhh... What's your name again?" Flower asked.

"Ruby," the redhead responded, "and I'd love to help!"

"Great!" Flower exclaimed, and as she followed Flower, for the first time since Book left the cheer squad, Ruby didn't feel like she was alone.

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