Honey im home! Micheal said.
In here i said. As micheal walked in i said so how was your day? He replied back while taking his shirt off good what about yours? Fine i rubbed my hand on his chest. He mived my.hand and said not now rose i have work to do then he put on a t-shirt and sat in his office. Ig it was time for the vibrater again. I was horny all the time and micheal and i havent had sex in 6 months. Im a teacher. I teach 1st grade and seeing these little kids dads every day have me thinking what size dingaling does he got ctfu i shouldnt betalking like tht. Its kind of boring living with micheal but i love him.
After thinking i got the vibrater out of the cabinet went in my bedroom and did my routine. I wondor what micheal thinks of me. When i was done i wiped it off and took a shower then i put on some pjs and went to sleep.