Plan 103

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"Mass, shut up." Kaytie hissed and elbowed me in the ribs. I stopped halfway through a laugh and followed Kaytie's gaze to Lucas. "Initiating plan 103." I whispered, Kaytie nodded, apparently unable to glance away from Lucas. I grabbed Kaytie's books along with my own and walked blindly towards him, my gigantic pile of books teetered. I tilted my head to the right to see where Lucas was. I saw him and rammed into him dropping my books all over the place. "Oh my god!" I cried, "I'm sorry, I'm such a klutz!" I apologized putting emphasis on such and klutz. "Mass?" Kaytie rushed forward, helping me up and playing the great friend role. Over the weekend, we read that boys are attracted to girls who are really nice and caring friends so we worked out Plan 103. "Thanks Kaytie, you're such a good friend!" I practically shouted it and my voice carried through the whole hallway, people glanced over at us to see what was going on. Lucas was tall and wiry, usually he brimmed with confidence but at the moment his cheeks were a bright shade of pink. "Um..." he stuttered, Kaytie looked unsure of what to do this wasn't how the plan worked. Lucas was supposed to be kind and confident and say something like, 'God, I'm sorry! I'm Lucas Baggway, want some help with those books?' Then I was going to play the role of the shy one and Kaytie was going to be all smiles and introduce herself. But unsure what to do in this unplanned situation Kaytie froze and all three of us just stood there like idiots. Impatiently, I cleared my throat, "Whoa, all my books are all over the place," I gestured over dramatically with my hands, "It would be great if someone helped me pick them up." Lucas and Kaytie both stared at me blankly, I gestured to the books again. Kaytie and Lucas were about to help when one of Lucas' friends called him over. He waved stiffly then raced towards his friend. Kaytie sighed and dropped to her knees to help me pick up our books. "Scratch plan 103," I smiled, "Maybe Tiger Pop Magazine has an idea for 104." I joked though I was pretty sure that over the weekend that would be exactly what we'd end up doing. Kaytie frowned, "Maybe it's just not meant to be." "No, we have spent too much time and energy on getting him to notice you!" I cried, "you will not Maxwell me again." Kaytie blushed, in eighth grade she had a crush on this guy named Maxwell, we spent months trying to get him to like Kaytie then she changed her mind in May and decided she liked Nathaniel instead. I ended up helping her get a date with Nathaniel but afterwards he never called her back, she cried for days over him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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