Chapter 1

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Hi. My name is Lara McKnight. I'm 16, and today my parents told me something that will change my future, crush my past. I'm moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Lara's POV

"Lara! You must text me everyday, and if you don't, I will call the cops and there will be missing person signs up everywhere. Oh and no boyfriends without my approval! Unless they're hot" Lizzie says.
"Okay! Geezz, your not my mom!"
Lizzie comes and pulls you into a tight bear hug.
"Awww I'm gonna miss my bestie" She says.

You say your final goodbyes, and hop on the plane. You sure next to your mum.
"Honey! I forgot to tell you, we will be staying with an old friend of mine. She's such a sweetheart, and she has 3 kids around your age, I can't quite remember their names though."
"Ok." I say, not listening as I watch the plane leave the place I've called home my whole life.

They say that when you move, it's like a new you. Honestly, I would prefer it if I keep the old me.

Cash's POV
I'm sitting in Mav's room.
(Honestly if you don't know who Mav is, stop reading this and go do your homework)

"Dude did you hear that someone's coming to live with us? I think it's like, moms friend or something, idk" Mav says.

"Yeah, I think their daughter is staying in my room" I say.
I didn't really put much thought into it, because at that moment the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" I yell.

I open the door, and nearly faint. It's like there was an angel standing there right before my eyes. She notices me staring at her, and blushes and looks down. Way to go Cash. You can talk to all the girls at your school but you can't talk to the one standing at your door.
"I-umm... Hi! You must be Rose? I ask looking up at the woman behind her.

Lara's POV
I can feel myself slowly melting on the inside. Why do we have to live with a hot guy? He stares at me, his ocean blue eyes piercing into my sea green eyes. I just wanna die on the spot.

I hear him ask a question to my mom, but I'm too busy studying his face to hear what he said. He welcomes us in, and I see a lady, who looks like his mum. Yes, that's gotta he his mum. You can see the resemblance.

I hear my mom and his chatting, and then she comes to welcome me.

"Hi! You must me Lara. I'm Joanne, I can see you met Cash." I look at him smiling at me and slightly blushing.
"I-I- ummmm... yeah" I say.
And I hear my mom add "aww Joanne look at them, they look like a couple!" She says.

I blush 10x harder and nudge her.

"Ok, Lara darling, you will be sharing a room with cash, sorry we don't have another room, my daughter Lani is staying here from L.A. Talking about them, where are my other children? MAVERICK! LANI! Come welcome our guests!" Joanne yells.

I look at the staircase and see two young adults come down.
"Hi I'm Lani" the girl says. She looks really pretty. The bot comes up to me and also introduces himself. "And I'm Maverick." He says. His eyes look like Cash's, and they give off a friendly vibe. "OMG I'm really happy you are staying with us" Lani says. "I can't stand being around so many boys." She says. "I smile and introduce myself to them.

I find out Cash is actually my age, Maverick is 18, and Lani is 21. They all seem super friendly.

Cash helps bring my stuff up to his room. I walk behind him, and watch him. Hi is so hot when he is carrying things- wait- that's weird! Lara snap out of it!

We finally get my stuff into his room and we start talking.
"So Lara, tell me about you. Why did you move?" Cash asks.
"Well, my mom caught my abusive dad cheating on her, and we've been moving around ever since to get away from him, but this is the first time I've actually moved away from my hometown, Leaving all my friends.

"I'm sorry you had to leave them, but I'm glad you came here" he says. I blush and look down, and I feel gentle fingers touch my chin and lift my head up. "Your cute when you blush" he says. We stare at each other for a while until he breaks the silence. "I'm sorry, that was weird" he says.
He turns around and get off the bed but I grab his hand, not noticing what I had done. "Umm.. thanks. That was really sweet" I say. He smiles, and then sits back down on the bed.

After a while of chatting, we get bored. "Hey, do you wanna go live with me?" He asks.
"I'm sorry, what do you mean?" I ask.
He stares at me, shocked for a second then hides his expression with a smile.
"I, kinda have a few followers on TikTok. Not really a big deal, but I'm surprised you haven't heard of me before". He says. I feel myself blush again. "How many?" I ask. That's a dumb question, Lara. Why did you ask him that?!
"Uhhhhmm... 6 million?"
My jaw drops. "Did I hear that right?" I ask.
He nods, grinning.

We go live.
"Hey guys, I want y'all to meet Lara. She'll be staying at my house from now on." He says.
You read the comments and see a lot of 'she's so pretty!" And 'are you dating?"
"Ok, we're not dating yet" cash says, and by his face expression, you can tell he regrets adding the yet part. "I mean, uhhh... it's complicated."
After the live you go to Lani's room to chill out with her while Cash goes to talk with Maverick.

~Time skip~
(You and Lani knew you were gonna become really good friends)

You go back to Cash's room, and as you are about to sit down on his bed, but maverick comes and stands in the door frame. "Uhhh, Lara, can I talk to you for a sec?" He says.
"Sure! What's up?" You ask.
"Uhh come with me" He says, smiling at Cash.

You walk into his room, confused.
"What's going on?" You ask.
"Well you know how now you live with us, your like a little sister to me, and I would tell you anything?" He says
"You already know you can tell me anything Mav" I say.
"Well Cash... He has a giant crush on you. You probably already noticed, but he like... REALLY likes you." Mav says.
"I was just wondering how you felt about him" Maverick asks.
"Okay, oh wow. Well, yeah truth is I may not have known him for long but I really like him too. But don't tell him!" I add quickly.
"No need. Turn around" Maverick says.
I turn around to see Cash standing in the doorway with a sexy grin on his face.
"Oh! Cash! I-um... well... you see-" he cuts you off and puts his arms around your waist, as his lips meet yours. You let him kiss you, and you fingers tangle themselves in his fluffy hair.

"Ok bro, you can thank me later, but get a room please!" You hear Mav say.

Without losing eye contact with Cash you find your way to his room. Before you can say anything, he continues to kiss you, as you both fall on his bed. His lips work their way down your neck and back up to your mouth. You let out a quick moan, but shut your mouth afterwards.

Nothing else matters. You and cash are the only ones in the world. After a long makeout session, you lay your head on his chest and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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