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    Narrator P.O.V

  Let's start here, shall we? Nora Blake and Maddi Wells, currently 9 and a half years old. Well Maddi was. Tomorrow was Nora's half birthday. While their parents didn't care much for half birthday's, Nora and Maddi always did something special. This year Maddi planned to wake up Nora with the best surprise in the world. She was staying the night at Nora's house and had brought doughnuts and party decorations. And yes it is in fact only a half birthday party, but this shows how much they care for each other. And Maddi, of course, did in fact care for Nora, but that story is for another time right now we are here, at Nora's house waiting for Maddi to yell surprise at any moment.

Anyway you get it I don't want to bore you with the details. And now we are moving a bit farther up in their story, up to when Nora and Maddi were the "mature" age of 14. 

"I don't care of he was a bitch I liked him!"

"Maddi you are so blind he was clearly a dick!"

"You just don't like us together do you, your jealous!"

"I am not jealous I'm trying to save you from heartbreak!"

"You are so jealous! I can't believe you would do something like that to me!"

Nora stepped back a little thinking about what she had done. Why did she do it in the first place? Well obviously because she's trying to protect her best friend. Right? No matter how many times Nora said that to herself, she could sense it wasn't true. What was she doing?

"Okay okay okay.. I was jealous. He was just coming between us and I didn't like it!" This was in fact, a lie. She didn't like the fact Maddi was dating someone. But he was also a jerk. To be honest I never really liked him. But you don't know who I am so it doesn't matter. I'm just the storyteller.

"Nada se interpondra entre nosotros." Maddi said in Spanish taking Nora by the hand then pulled her into an close embrace.

"You know I don't know what that means." That doesn't mean she liked it any less.

"It means nothing will ever come between us." Maddi said still hugging Nora.

"Your so fucking cheesy." Nora said letting out a laugh. Maddi was only cheesy like this when she was this age, 14. She went through a lot in two years where out story will start but here I guess she just more happy.

But Nora didn't care. As long as it meant they stopped fighting. Maddi started to say something else but Nora was to swept up in Maddi's scent, so she closed her eyes, and started to imagine the things she was feeling. She was feeling happy, right here in Maddi's arms and-


"Uh sorry, um yes?" 

"I said I have to go home but I'll catch you later." Maddi said saying goodbye to her best friend then walking away. 

Nora however stayed there, frozen. Thinking about, the only thing she thinks about.

Her feelings.


So if anyone is even going to read this story I'm sorry  for my terrible writing skills and for any misspelled words.

I won't be doing many authors notes but if there are please read them. 

Also please tell me what you think, please tell me if it is good or bad I need to know what I can change so I can get better. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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