Hanging On By a Moment

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Brandon was heading to Groundspace where Someone’s Little Sister would be performing. Everyone is going to be there, his parents, siblings, Callie, Robert and his family not to mention a record producer. He was so nervous that he was shaking he has never felt this nervous not even when he auditioned for the junior symphony. This was so much bigger than that. It was rainy so it was hard to see what was in front of him. Brandon saw headlights coming straight toward him so he swerved to attempt from getting into an accident. In the process of attempting to get out of the way he ended up in a head on collision with another car. As the impact of the other car hit Brandon’s car he saw his life flash before his eyes thinking about all the things he had left to do before he blacked out into the world of unknown. Would this be the end for the young pianist?

Meanwhile, at Groundspace everyone was waiting for the show to start. Someone’s Little Sister is up first and Brandon was nowhere to be found. The band was getting annoyed, especially Lou with the fact that Brandon has yet to arrive. “He’ll be here guys. Don’t worry.” Stef said as she knew her son wouldn’t let his band down. If anything Brandon did everything he could to make everyone happy.

“I sure hope so. I swear he better not mess this up for us.” Lou snapped as she was on the edge, she wanted this to be perfect. Stef knew she didn’t mean it she was just nervous.

“He will be here. He doesn’t break his promises.” Stef reassured, Lou Mat and Jasper that her son will be here.

Callie sat on a stool in between Jude and Sophia, as she glanced at her phone, watching the minutes pass by as there was still no sign of Brandon. Callie still wasn’t adopted but she and Brandon weren’t together either. But that didn’t change the fact that her feelings for him grew stronger and stronger every day. She decided to send him a quick text.

“Hey, it’s me. Where are you? Is everything okay? Brandon, please I feel like something is wrong. You should have been here by now. The show is about to begin.”

Callie pressed send but she couldn’t help but feel like something was terribly wrong but what could it be? Is it Déjà vu all over again? She was starting to get that eerie feeling in the pit of her stomach, like the night where Brandon had gotten beat up by Vico. She and Brandon always had this strong connection.

Ten minutes had gone by and there was still no sign of Brandon. He hasn’t called or anything. The band was starting to get upset that their pianist was a no show. Callie on the other hand was starting to worry. He still hasn’t texted her back and he still hasn’t shown up. The more time went on the more she believed something bad has happened. Stef’s phone started to ring, which pulls Callie out of her thoughts and back into reality. A reality that no one could ever imagine.

“Hello.” Stef said as she answered her phone. Of course no one could hear the other end of the conversation. “Yes, this is Stefanie Adams Foster.” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. He face when completely pale as she got the news no parent should ever have to hear. “Okay thank you.” Stef said as she ended the phone call, now all eyes were on the cop. She couldn’t wrap her mind around the news she has just received.

“What is it Stef?” Callie was the first to ask as everyone waited for Stef to tell them what was going on.

“I I I-“ Stef tries to get the words out but she couldn’t. “I have to go. Brandon has been in a car accident. It isn’t looking good.” Stef struggles as she tries not to fall apart, she needs to stay strong not only for her family but more importantly Brandon.

“What do you mean?” Lena asks calmly as she attempts to also wrap her mind around this devastating news.

“I don’t the exact details of what happened but his car is completely smashed. I need to go. My baby boy needs me more than ever right now.” Stef cries as she couldn’t hold it together anymore.

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