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We begin on some stuff that Ela Jefecito experiences FREQUENTLY....

There was a squad called, the Marvellous Squad. They were about thirteen in total. The members were Casserole White, Vida Black, Jade Floralle, Sharla Van Vlademir, Alsie Villanueva, Arina Johnson, Arianne Abastello, Moira O' Deorin, Harley Ballers, Karie Dalliete, Beatrice Dela Cruz, Elsie Cua, Mai Futakawa and Nicole Royale.

The squad was in an all girls school called St. Luci-er Academy, a school that was about a hundred years old. The group were nice at first, until after some weeks later, they started to abuse their power of being popular. An instance of this is when after their class had just finished an 'exam' of some sort, they were all asked to go to a temporary classroom...

Story time...

It was a sunny day during the aftermath of their National Achievement Test. They were all asked to go inside a temporary classroom from one of the grade nine levels. It was crowded outside because there were so many people so once they got inside a classroom, where there were a few chairs, enough to fit ninety three percent of them atleast.

Well, some people sat on the floor, but they were okay with it. So anyway, they were all very noisy in the room because, they NATURALLY ARE. Until the president, Arina Johnson, stood up on the platform of the room.

" GUYYSSS BE QUIET!!! " She said. But their 'animalistic' instincts weren't giving in because they were stubborn anyways. This is until she 'shouted' at them to be quiet, and then they became quiet. And so bla bla bla Johnson was being a hypocrite because she was telling them that they were noisy even though they always start the noise itself.

" Also gais, please stop spamming the group chat with unnecessary stuff. " Futakawa said. Ela Jefecito wasn't buying it, because THEY ALSO SPAM STUFF!!!

" Okay let's have a rant about them. " a girl named Sophia Lopez said, gathering some people in a circle to begin the rant. She began first.

" They tell us not to spam but they have the power to spam?!! " Sophia said.

" Ya like one time they sent a pic in the chat and it took forever to load because I had no more storage space. So when it opened up, it was just a THANOS picture!! " Sophia also said. So they ranted for a while until it was over and Sophia told the officers how they feel about them, and atleast they understood!!

But then a crowd of people were huddled at the platform of the room, and Jefecito Ela could faintly make out a figure crying on her knees and covering her face. But she could sixty nine percent hear her because of the slight noise going on. People were now muttering to each other saying; Katricia Aldana had broken down.

" She broke down? " Jefecito asked one of them.

" Yeah. " A girl said. So they were now getting noisy and noisy until a random teacher came in and what Ela Jefecito could remember was that they were being scolded,

For something the Marvellous Squad did.

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