A New Beginning

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    I guess most stories start with once upon a time, but that's for fairy tales. My story is real life so I guess I'll start with hi. Hi my name is Ava King. I was born in Noosa, Queensland where I have lived my whole life, at first it was me Mum and Dad. When I was a child my dad had left me and my Mum Linda after he had an affair, sick right. I had no contact with him growing up but I didn't care, my Mum was perfect, no I mean it she was. She understood everything. If I was having a bad day, she would take me to the beach or even drive us to The Gold Coast for a theme park day, though the beach was good enough for me. When I was 13, Mum got me my dog, a Jack Russel puppy I named Cody, sometimes he would come with us to the beach. When I was 15, Mum gave me my first guitar, it was the happiest day of my life, I quickly learned to play and sing. It was perfect just me, Mum and also Cody the dog. I thought I had a great life but things would become different. Shortly after Mum met a man. His name was John Montgomery, I could see they were in love. Though John was the nicest guy, at first I wasn't happy. I thought he was stealing my mother, though time went on I learned that he truly loved her, and she loved him, if my Mum was happy then I was to. Time passed and they got married, it was a beautiful wedding at the beach. I was my Mum's maid of honor and Cody was the cutest ring bearer. It was truly a magical day, I even joined their honeymoon to Bali. John was a great step dad, though I never called him dad. He would often take me paint-balling or skating, he loved me like his own. Time passed again and Mum had news, she was pregnant. John never had kids other than me so he was thrilled. I wasn't really happy as I felt Mum was too old and I liked the three of us, I took my frustrations out with my music as time went on. I had turned 18 was nearly finishing school as Mums belly grew. Mum and John would take me to ultrasounds, I would help when decorating the baby's room, though most of the time it would lead to paint fights. I kept them happy even though I wasn't really interested in having a half-sibling. Soon enough Mum went into labor, I came with them to the hospital. I hang around in the waiting room while Mum gave birth. Minutes turned to hours while I waited, passing the time by watching YouTube on my phone or listening to my once favorite band One Direction. I almost feel asleep when I was tapped by John. 'Ava, come on there is someone I'd like you to meet' he said. I nodded and followed him into the room. I saw Mum smiling and holding a pink bundle. 'Say hello to your new baby sister Ava' John smiled. I walked closer to take a look, she was fast asleep. I had never seen anything more beautiful, her round cute face, her button nose, she was so tiny.I smiled at her, 'What's her name'? I asked. 'Tiffany' said Mum. 'Would like to hold her'? Mum held her toward me. I nodded and she was passed to me. I had never felt anything so soft and fragile. Tiffany opened her eyes and looked at me. She looked so different from me, rather than my black hair, her hair was as blond as it could be. Her blue eyes shined in the light above me. She made the cutest cooing noise. 'I think she likes you Ava' said John. 'I like her' I smiled. I looked at her in my arms. 'Tiffany, I promise to be the best big sister I can be, I'll protect you from anything, I promise I won't let anything happen to you' I whispered. Life at home became even more perfect. I loved being Tiffany's big sister, the day she first smiled at me was amazing. After leaving high school I got into music school and I was the happiest girl in the world. Time went on and I was there when Tiffany took her first steps, it was right toward me. Before I knew it, she was already one years old. The party was amazing, I had done most of the planning while I had told Mum and John to just relax. With the help of my best friend Jess we had planned amazing house party,we had over 100 pink balloons, a bouncy castle, Jess did the face paintings and I even managed to hire a balloon animal artist. Seeing Tiffany so happy and diving into her birthday cake made me a proud big sister. With in months she began to talk, her first word being doggy and running up to Cody the dog for cuddles. As time passed my music was also doing well, I started writing songs and even getting local gigs and earning money. Whether it was bar gigs,performing at local festivals or even just busking down the beach, people loved hearing my music, it made me happy. My biggest fan was Tiffany, 'More songs'she would happily shout as I played my guitar and sang. She may not have understood what I was saying in the songs but she loved it anyway. Time flew once more and Tiffany grew, Mum even had another baby, a boy named James.Tiffany adored James and always tried to help when feeding or nappy changing.'I help' she would say jumping at the chance to see her brother. Tiffany loved a lot of things in life, every morning she would jump on my bed to wake me up.On my days off I would take her to the beach to swim, she loved the water most of all. 'Look Ava I'm Ariel' she shouted splashing in the waves. 'Yes, you are'I joined in the waves. 'Look Tiff' I said. I pointed at some fish swimming around our legs. She screamed at grabbed my leg. 'It's ok Tiff, there just fish they won't hurt you' I said. Tiffany let go and laughed at the fish. 'Let's catch them' I said. The both of us tried to catch the fish in our hands, but they were to fast for us. After more splashing I definitely started feeling tired.'Come on Tiff we have to go' I said. 'No' she looked at me sadly. 'Mum and Dad are gonna take us to McDonalds' I said. 'Really'? she asked. Tiffany loved our monthly visit to McDonalds, though I think it was just for the playground. I got her dried and dressed and we made our way. That night I tucked her to bed with her favorite book. 'Read it again' she said. 'I can't, Ava needs to sleep to, but mummy will come and read it' I said. She nodded and laid down in her bed. I took her hand and said what I said every night. 'You and me, together forever'. 'Forever' she said back. Tiffany also liked going to the park with Cody to play fetch with him, she also loved the slide and being pushed on the swing. If we weren't out, we would make popcorn and watch her favorite movies,The Little Mermaid or Winnie the Pooh. If it wasn't a movie it would be Spongebob, The Wiggles or Elmo. The shows may not have been my taste but I didn't care, I loved seeing her happy. Another thing she loved to do at home was make strawberry milkshakes, she liked them as they were pink. We would drink them out front of our house and watched people on the beach, our house was right across it. 'Cody wants milkshakes to' she said pouring some of her shake on the floor for Cody to lick up. 'Remember no giving him chocolate' I said. 'Ok' she said watching Cody. 'When you're finished your drink do you wanna go for a swim' I asked. Her eyes lit up. 'Yes please'. 'Perfect' I smiled. That evening after putting her to bed, I went to work on my music. I was strumming my guitar then there was a knock on the door. 'Come in' I said.Mum entered my room, 'How you doing Ava'? Mum asked. 'Perfect' I replied. Mum sat next to me, 'You know I think Tiff loves you more than she loves me' Mum laughed. 'Well I am awesome' I laughed. 'What are you working on'? Mum asked.'New song' I answered. 'Can I hear it'? Mum asked. I smiled and started playing my song. "You didn't have to lie to me, when you loved her over me, you didn't have to run away, all I wanted was for you to stay, though these days I'm over you, you know what we are through, so screw you" I sang. Mum laughed at the last lyric and clapped. 'The topic for class is break-up songs' I laughed.'Great job baby' said Mum kissing my cheek. 'Goodnight my beauty' said Mum.'Goodnight' I said back. Mum left my room and I continued playing. Life was perfect. Though soon things in my perfect life would change. Before I knew it,it was the day before Tiffany was to turn four years old. The morning started with Tiffany jumping on my bed and Cody joining her on the bed. 'Good morning princess' I laughed. 'Good morning Ava' she shouted. I patted Cody's head as Tiffany crouched to me. 'Mummy said breakfast is ready' she shouted. 'Ok Tiff let me get changed and I'll be right out' I said. She nodded and run out of my room, Cody following behind. I got changed and tied my hair back before going to the kitchen, the smells of eggs and bacon filled the air. 'Morning Ava breakfast is on the table' said Mum who was feeding James. 'Thanks' I smiled sitting down to eat. 'You know I think we should have a family trip today' Mum suggested.'Where'? I asked. 'I was thinking the aquarium, wanna see the fishes Tiffany'?mum asked. 'Yes' Tiffany chimed. 'Yeah we should do that' I smiled. After breakfast John, Mum, Tiffany, James and I got ready and headed in the car. A few minutes into the drive Tiffany was restless. 'Are we there yet'? she asked.'Not yet daring' said John. She crossed her arms and growled. I laughed and turned to her "there's a hole at the bottom of the sea'' I sang. Tiffany looked up at me. "There's a hole at the bottom of the sea" I sang. "There's a hole,there's a hole'' she sang. "There's a hole at the bottom of the sea'' we both sang. Soon everyone in the car joined us, even baby James was smiling. Before we knew it, we had arrived. We went to pay for our tickets and the woman at the lobby gave Tiffany and James shark badges. We entered rooms of colourful fish and coral, Tiffany was so excited by the fish, James tapped on the glass laughing every time he saw a fish. 'Silly James' Tiffany laughed. We touched starfish in the open tanks, took photos in the big shark's mouth and even saw the sharks. Tiffany pulled silly faces at the sharks when they swam by.'Danger, danger' she also shouted. 'Look at their teeth Tiff' I said. 'Argh I'ma shark' she said showing her teeth like a shark. Tiffany looked up and saw a stingray swim passed. 'What's that'? she asked. 'That's a stingray princess'said John carrying her for a better look. We decided to take a lunch break at the café before venturing out some more. Though Tiffany was interested in the nearby fish tank. 'Ava' she said. 'Yes' I replied. 'Do fish have babies to'? she asked. I started laughing 'Of course they do, they lay eggs' I said. 'Come on girl's lunch' said John holding our food. 'Nuggets' Tiffany shouted running to sit. 'Are you having a good day'? mum asked. Tiffany nodded while chewing her food. 'It was a great idea to come here' I said while pulling faces at James to make him laugh. The rest of the day was brilliant, later we had even seen a seal show, James slept for most of it while Tiffany was amazed by them. Shewould jump up and down every time they did a trick and make seal noises. Once we had made it to the end, we looked around the gift shop. Tiffany came up to us excited. 'Can I have a seal please' she asked holding a toy seal. 'Sure' Mum smiled. 'James wants a toy to' Tiffany said. 'Ok what should we get him'? I asked looking at the toys. 'Nemo' she said holding out a clown fish toy. 'Good choice' I said taking it to pay. On our way home, we sang some more to pass the time. Once home Tiffany spent most of the afternoon playing with her seal and playing with James. John had started a barbeque outside and I was helping Mum make potato salad. Tiffany came running to the kitchen. 'I help'? she asked. 'Sure,you can taste it' said Mum giving her a spoon full of salad. 'Mmm' said Tiffany in approval. 'Come on let's go outside' I said giving her a piggy back ride.'Is daddy making sausages'? Tiffany asked once outside. 'Yep, come on let'splay with Cody' I said. We threw the ball with the dog for a while until dinner was ready. The rest of the evening went well before bed time. I helped mum tuck in Tiffany. 'Get some sleep, tomorrow is a big day' said Mum. 'Will I get cake'? Tiffany asked. 'Yes' I replied. 'Presents'? Tiffany asked. 'Well its your birthday isn't it'? I asked. 'How old will you be'? Mum asked. Tiffany held out four fingers. 'Excellent' said Mum. 'Come you and Simon need to get some sleep' I said, Simon was what she named her seal. 'Ok' she said. 'You and me, together forever' I said. 'Forever' she said laying down. I had once again planned her party this time even bigger. I hired another castle, got a clown,organized a slime making area, Jess was once again face painting, I ordered a huge cake, strawberry of course and I was to sing some kids songs with my guitar. I had even gotten her a bigger surprise. The next day Tiffany woke us up excited for her big day. Mum had made pancakes for breakfast and then we opened some presents. Mum and John had gotten her a play doh set. 'Share with James' said Mum. 'Ok' said Tiffany. She had also gotten some stick-on earrings and a matching necklace and a princess doll. 'I got you something to, close your eyes and do not peak' I said leaving the room. I went to the laundry to grab the kitten I had gotten for her, thankfully Tiffany had not been in the laundry last two days. I came back and told her to open her eyes. She took her hands off her eyes and gasp in surprise. 'A kitty' she smiled holding her hands out. I handed her the soft, grey kitten. 'Do you like her'? I asked. Tiffany nodded and cuddled the kitten. 'What's her name'? I asked. 'Kelly' said Tiffany cuddling the kitten more. 'Ok you can play with Kelly later, right now it's time to get ready for the party' said John. We dressed Tiffany in her sparkling pink fairy dress and did her hair, she looked beautiful. I put on a green sundress and did my hair while Tiffany played with James. Later on, Jess arrived, she was wearing a full fairy costume. 'Where is the birthday girl'? she asked.Tiffany ran up and gasped 'You're a fairy' she shouted excited. 'That's right,Jess the fairy' said Jess picking up Tiffany for a hug. The party was in full swing and everyone was having a blast. Tiffany loved the clown, though James cried at the sight of it. 'Look Ava, butterfly' said Tiffany showing me her butterfly face painting. 'Beautiful' I said. We played lots of games as well,musical statues, pin the wings on the fairy, Jess even gave out wishing stones for everyone to take home. 'Ok kids sit down, it's time for the show' I shouted. All the kids sat down on the grass as I got my guitar tuned. Instead of my original songs, I sang all of Tiffany's favorite kid's songs, most of them from The Wiggles. Tiffany also had a love for Niall Horan so I sang one of his songs to, Too Much Too Ask. 'Ok Tiff your turn to sing' I said. She ran up to me excited. 'What are you going to sing' I asked. 'Let it go' she shouted. I played the song on my guitar and sang the song with her. "Let it go, let it go,can't hold it back anymore" we sang. At the end of the song everyone cheered for us. 'Ok cake time' I said. As soon as Tiffany saw her huge birthday cake she screamed with excitement. 'Is it a strawberry cake'? she asked. 'It is'said Mum. The rest of the party was brilliant. Soon after it was over, I found Tiffany asleep on the floor. 'Come on princess time for bed' said John carrying her away. 'Good job sweetie' said Mum kissing my cheek. 'Thanks, it was worth seeing her happy' I said. 'I'll clean up, you go to bed you deserve a rest'said Mum. I said goodnight to John, Tiffany and kissed baby James and went straight to bed. Nothing could be more perfect. Little did I know that soon, my perfect world would come crashing down.    

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