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Quinn's pov:

"Leave me alone! Leave me alone!!" I yelled while gripping my head in my hands, trying to block out the voices.

"You will be my pride want it or not!!"

"You are a pathetic vermin!!"

"No matter what we both are alike."

"Shut up!!"

"You weakling!!"

"I'll show you strength!"

"You are as much of a failure as your idiotic mother!"


I screamed, picking up a rock and throwing the stone chunk that is bigger than I am at trees, breathing hard before running at a tree and breaking it down with my shoulder.

I fell on my knees, covering my ears and screaming again, even if the hurt was old it was still tearing me apart from the inside.

I grab the side of my neck with one arm and hug myself with the other as I put my forehead against the ground, it hurt so much, so much.

I was playing with my food boredly, what fifteen year-old wouldn't?

"Stop being a kid and eat!!" I glared at father as he yelled at me, his voice echoing through the empty room.

"Cain leave her alone." Mom snapped at him and he backhand slapped her so hard the chair got knocked over, both glaring at each other as he stood up and picked her up harshly.

"I do what I wish with the child!!"

"She is a child!! Not a monster like you."

"Let go off my mom!!" I knocked my chair and grabbed the decorative lit oil lamp on the table and threw it at him, he yelled as it broke and the burning liquid splashed on his face.


Mom shoved him off her and zipped over, grabbing my hand and running out of the room, she stopped when we were further away and hugged me to her, I hugged back.

I just slept in my underwear like always but if only I didn't that night.... I was asleep when I felt something, a fist, land a hit and crack my ribs, I fought the blankets off me and fell off the bed before standing up and facing a pissed looking father.

"You little shit will learn respect and to not break what is mine!!" There was like a splat of different colored skin on his face, the burning oil scarred him forever.

I tried to scream but was petrified in fear as he grabbed my arm and threw me at a wall, the stone cracked with my bones.

I was yanked up and he held me off the ground by holding on my left arm, I felt something cold and liquid dumped onto me, running down the left side of my neck, down my back to my right hip and down my thigh on the same side.

"An eye for an eye." He said with a sickeningly sweet smile as he dropped the bottle he was holding, making it shatter on the ground and pulled out a lighter.... Wait....

"Let me go!! No!! Please no!!" I screamed in fear, realizing I wasn't covered in water but something flammable.

"Maybe this time you'll learn." He turned on the lighter and dropped it in the liquid spilling out of the broken bottle before throwing me down on the flaming liquid.

I avoided getting more liquid on my body by putting my hands down and shoving myself on my side where my ribs were cracked but didn't escape the flames.

My scream woke up everyone that could sleep that night.

I was shaking at the memory, gripping my hand tighter and screaming loudly again at the phantom pain still present at time, this scar is old but the mere touch can bring me back to that night, to that pain.

Mom had barged in the room no sooner than three seconds after I started screaming, I could never forget the horrified look on her face, distracted enough for father to grab her and restrain her with a sick smile as she was forced to watch, fighting with tears falling from her eyes as he laughed.

"This, this is your punishment, you will learn to listen or next time it will be much worst."

I was about to scream again but it was muffled as a familiar figure zipped to me and pulled me in her arms, the sound muffled in her closes as I grabbed on tightly.

"Ssh it will go away, remember it always does, I'm here, let it all out." I held on my mom's clothes so hard I am surprised they didn't rip under the strain.

After what seemed like days for me which could have been mere minutes for her, the pain dulled, leaving me feeling numb, I was all shaky, sweaty and my throat hurt, over all it was the one time I actually felt what it was to be tired mentally, I just wanted to go in the sleep state and escape everything.

"Let's get you home." She carefully picked me up and started walking home, I know I'm more vulnerable after such a breakdown, I can't even pretend to be strong like I normally can, this being the one thing that could completely shatter my control on what emotions I want to show and hide.... I'm so pathetic.

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