Chapter 1 - A New Day, A New School

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Clementine's POV -

I wake up to the unbearable sound of my alarm going off. I groan as I sit myself up to turn off the irritating noise. As I turn the sound off I check the time. 6:00 am. Great. I rub my eyes so hard that when I stopped all I could see were weird patterns and shapes in my vision. I got up and headed for the bathroom. I washed my face, brushed my teeth. All I could think about was: 'A new day, a new school, new friends, new everything' 

I roll my eyes at the thought of 'new school' It has terrified me ever since I got to Atlanta about making new friends. I knew I was different to everyone in Atlanta, being from so far as I have already been here an entire weekend. And I hated it. So far. I sluggishly walk back to my room and close the door as I got dressed. Even though I really couldn't give two shits about school I could at least look like I tried for the first week or two. I picked out a black t-shirt with a small Nike tick on it, with a pair of blue denim jeans with rips in the knees. I sat down at my vanity and done my hair in a low, side pony tail. I never usually wear makeup, only to parties and special events. But I thought I could make the exception for the first day of school. I put on some concealer under my eyes, fill in my brows and put on mascara. I wasn't good at it so I never went too extreme with makeup. Ever. 

I make my way downstairs where Lee and AJ were. Lee being my adoptive father and AJ being my adoptive brother. Lee has had me since I was 3 months old. I was left on his doorstep 16 years ago, so I do call him dad. Lee realised how much he liked having a daughter so he decided to adopt another: AJ. Me and AJ are 6 years apart. Me being 16 and him being 10. I sit down at the dining table as Lee gave me my breakfast. 

"So... are you excited to go to Ericssons?" Lee asks me siting at the table with his cup of coffee. I roll my eyes. "No, not really " I say a little agitated. Lee tilts his head in confusion as he hasn't heard me complain at all about moving to California or going to a new school. I didn't complain a whole lot to Lee, well because I literally don't know where I would have ended up if he didn't adopt me, so I was always grateful. AJ on the other hand is a little.. Feisty, you could say. Accidentally cursing all the time, starting arguments with me and Lee, causing fights in his old school etc... 

"Why not, Clem?" Lee asked me. "I just don't wanna go through the part of being 'the new girl'" I sighed. Lee rubbed my shoulder. "What are you talking about? Everyone there will love you! I mean how could they not?" Lee reassured me. I shot him a small smile before he turned to talk to AJ, eating his coco pops. 

"Now AJ, I expect to not get any phone calls home on your first day, or even the whole time you're there, okay?" Lee said. "Yes, Dad." AJ replied with a slight annoyance to his voice. I finished my breakfast and rushed upstairs to grab my coat and backpack. 

"Bye Dad" I say to Lee as I hug him. "Love you"

"Love you too, Sweetie" He said as he hugged her back. I opened the front door and shut it behind me. I take my headphones from my bag and plug them into my phone before putting them in my ears. I walk off to the bus stop listening to nothing but my music.

I get to the bus stop but there was no one there. I still had 5 minutes before the bus got here so I just lean against the bus stop listening to my music. From the corner of my eye I see three teens walk to the bus stop. I glance over to them to see a small, short haired blonde girl. A tall blonde guy with a weird haircut, and a tall guy with warm, dark, freckled skin and dark brown dreads that slightly covered his face. 

General POV -

"Who's she?" The blonde girl whispered. The boys shrug as they keep walking towards the bus stop. When they get there they kind of examine the girl, looking her up and down slightly, hoping that she wouldn't notice the three looking at her. Clementine looks over at the tall dread headed boy who's currently looking at her. Clem's an awkward person, but at the same time she can me kind and outgoing so she briefly smiled at the boy. The boy noticed the girl was smiling at him so he gave a wide grin back. When he does this Clem looks back at her phone. The boy already had a good feeling about this girl.

"Earth to Louis" The blonde boy said waving his hand in front of the dread head's face. Louis quickly looked back at the boy as he broke from his staring. "Dude, your totally staring at her" The boy said to Louis. Clementine noticed this, she slyly took one of her headphones out and secretly listened to their conversation, as it was clearly about Clementine.

"No I wasn't" Louis lied, trying not to make eye contact with the two. "Uh, yeah you were! Me and Violet literally watched you stare at her" The boy with the terrible haircut said. "Shut up Marlon, I was not staring!" Louis lied. "Whatever" Violet sighed. 

Clementine was so confused, she found it a little weird hat the boy was staring at her but it was quite sweet the way he lied about it to his friends. And with that the bus arrived. Clementine chose a seat near the front of the bus, about three rows up from the driver. She sat on the aisle and put her bag on he window side as she didn't want anyone sitting next to her. The three friends headed to the back of the bus where there were five seats at the very back. They greeted another friend who was already on the bus. 

"Hey Minnie" Marlon said.

"What's up, Minnie?" Louis called.

"Hey you!" Violet said to her kissing her on the cheek. "Hey guys!" The four chatted the whole way to school. The bus started piling up but fortunately for Clem, she didn't have to sit next to anyone.


So I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, I have so many ideas for this story and cannot wait to share them with you! Since you already know this is a Clouis FanFic and know they will at some point be in a relationship, I will be taking their relationship slow. I've read other Clouis Fanfics and I always feel the relationship goes really fast so I want to do something different. But if you have any ideas please do lave them in the comments and I will try incorporate them into the story. I am starting the next chapter after I publish this but I don't know if it will be uploaded today as I need time to check over it and stuff! 

- Chloe :) 

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