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Harry James Potter was sure he was going to mess up something on his first date with a girl. (Cho didn't count) He was going into Hogsmeade for the day and was meeting her at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. To make a good impression, he donned his nicest dress robes from Mrs. Weasley (the ones that really bring out his bright emerald green eyes) and he combed his unruly, jet-black hair (although it stuck straight back up). Making a mental note to ask Hermione if she knew any hair-flattening spells, he walked down to the Gryffindor common room. When he came out, Ron and Hermione were both waiting for him.

"Guys, how do I look?" Harry asked, frantic.

Hermione gave him a once-over. "It looks- erm, passable? Does your hair ever lay flat, Harry?"

Harry gave her a look and Ron snickered.

"Good luck, mate." Ron said, with a hint of resentment in his voice. Harry knew why that was there.

"Thanks Ron" Harry said. "I think I'll need it."

And with that, Harry sauntered out of the portrait hole, waving a cheerful goodbye to the Fat Lady as he left.


On his way down, Harry felt like he had a million Snitches in his stomach. He wished Ron and Hermione could come, but since they were Prefects, they had a special Prefect meeting to attend to. And it was just his luck that he nearly ran into Professor McGonagall at the foot of the stairs, who was carrying a large stack of books. He was reminded of Hermione.

"Morning, Professor" Harry said, checking his watch. 10 more minutes to go until he had to meet her.

"Oh. Mr. Potter. Could you help me out? It won't take long." Professor McGonagall asked.

Harry sighed. "Um, sure Professor. What do you need?"

"Could you take this stack of books up to my office? I left it unlocked. We will be using them in Transfiguration tomorrow."

"All right." Harry said, and took the books. He grunted with the weight of them, his glasses sliding down his face.

"Thank you Mr. Potter. 10 points for Gryffindor." She smiled, and walked away.

Harry dashed up the stairs, arms burning from the weight of the books, and dumped them in a pile on McGonagall's desk. He checked his watch. 5 minutes to go.

He sprinted down the moving stairs and ran to the door. Of course, Filch was taking an extra long time to check everyone with his Secrecy Sensors, so that was another 5 minutes wasted. Harry was late. He flat-out sprinted all the way to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. Once he got there, he looked around once, and he saw her.

"Hi Harry!" She was wearing some pale pink dress robes, and she had styled her hair in a gorgeous updo.

"Erm-hi!" Harry said. The Snitches in his stomach now felt more like Bludgers.

"Shall we?" she asks, gesturing to the door.

"Sure. Ladies first?"

They sat down at a table covered with lace, doilies, flowers, and confetti. There were many other couples from Hogwarts there, and the tiny place was full of lively chatter. Harry cleared his throat.

"So, uh, what would you like to order?"

"Oh, just a coffee for me." she said in a sugar-sweet voice, and smiled at Harry. He felt his insides drop. "What about you?"

"Oh-erm-just a coffee for me, too." he said, hoping he didn't sound stupid.

Their coffees came, and the rest of the date passed by in a flash. They talked about classes, families, Quidditch, and before Harry knew it, it was time to leave. Harry threw down 5 gold Galleons and thanked the waitress. They went outside, where a rush of cold bit them.

"Well," Harry said. "That was fun."

"Yes, it most certainly was, I had a lovely time!" she exclaimed. "Same time, next Hogsmeade visit?"

"Sure!" Harry said.

And with that, Dolores thanked Harry for the wonderful date and the two walked away together, both grinning in anticipation for their next Hogsmeade visit. 

Harry Potter and the Hogsmeade DateWhere stories live. Discover now