Chapter 1

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Two girls were having a sleepover their names are hannah and gemma. Gemma has blue eyes, blonde hair and she loves animals. Gemma has brown hair blue eyes and she loves gymnastics.

"Help ! " said Gemma their is a spider crawling up my arms. We will soon sort it said gemmas mum. Their we go its outside now, so girls do you want to go anywhere today. ICE SCATING!!!! please ok get your shoes on lets go. Remember it does take half an hour to get there ok thats fine we will take food and drinks in the car. That didnt take as long as half an hour you accually believed me you went the other day and it took 5 minutes. What size of shoes are you gemma 6 and what size are you hannah 5 ok i will just go and get them. Ow i think i have broke my ancle we will have to take you to hospital gemma.

Ok lets have a look at your foot oh its a bad fracture you will need to stay in hospital for 2 or 3 weeks.

hannah here is a key it unlocks a shed at the bottom of your garden it leads to a secret world called candy land.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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