This poem is dedicated to annabel999.
so carefree and young,
so without a care in the world,
so carefree that she doesn't see life coming,
to an end,
when the driver took away.
our carefree friend,
unfound still,
but they will be brought,
brought to a council of jurors and their leader in a robe.
and, with that,
be brought to justice,
because they took our sweet friend away,
annabel999, anna, we will miss you,
eternally, for ever, until the end of time.
you will be missed until the world ends, swallowed by the sun,
for you were a remarkable and wonderful person that i,
gratefully, had the privilege of talking to through chat and emails,
who's stories i was priveleged enough to read,
Who's mind i got to touch base with,
and whose soul will be eternally missed,
you will be eternally missed, Anna, forever, until the end of time.