Once a rainy day

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It was early morning, 7:00am. I was barely waking up to go to school. With laziness I sit on the edge of the bed, looking at the floor. How many times I have done this? Well, I know is the first time in this year, today is my first day at school, I wasn't expecting anything new, anything exiting, anything at all. Seeing that it has been about 10 minutes since I woke up, I went to do my daily routine: go to the bathroom, wash my teeth and face and do my hair. It was weird, my mother was later than usual, usually by this time she is.... -I'M AWAKE AND SO LATE, WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP ABIGAIL?!- Awake... Now she IS awake. -Mom, I woke up not so long ago and I have to prepare myself too.-

Mother didn't even listened to me, she was way too rushed, she would be late for work if she doesn't.

-I'm so sorry sweetie, I won't be able to cook some breakfast for you on your first day. - Mom said apologizing while doing her hair, looking at the mirror and a mug of coffee almost cold on her table.

-Is ok mom, I can take care of myself.- I smiled at her, reassuring her that she has nothing to worry about, I can be independent when I need to be. -Thanks darling, I know you can.- Mom smiles while caring for my hair. -You look so pretty, I bet today you are going to have a great day!- -Mom, don't predict the day just because of the beauty of someone.- I said giving her a bit of a smile, my eyes still sleepy even when I splashed cold water to my face. As soon as mom looked at the time, her eyes opened wide and gasped. -I am going to be late! I got to go!- She picked her purse, keys and mug of cold coffee and went quickly to the door to leave. -Take care sweetie pie, I'll see you in the afternoon!-

-Bye mom, have a nice day.- I smiles while waving at her, she returned the smile and left. I checked the time, noticing that it was almost time for the school bus to pick me up. I looked at myself in the mirror, fixed a few hairs, picked my keys and my bag pack and headed outside, where the bus was waiting for me.

After an half an hour ride to the school, we finally arrived. I took out my class program and proceed to look for my classroom. I was lost at first, good thing that the schools have some maps and directions around. After founding my classroom, I stood there in front of the door, taking a deep breath and telling to myself that today is gonna be a new day and that everything will go great. Little did I knew that I was going to find someone who would get so close to my heart, that one rainy day. As soon as I get inside the classroom, I see everyone talking between them like old friends, except for this one guy. tall, pale skin, dark brown hair and long to the shoulders. Also saw that it was the only available space, so I went to the table, put my stuff on the floor and sit down. Everyone would look at me, I don't know why. I'm just an average girl sitting besides...a...super cute guy who looks like a beach model, with a bit of a dark style, really casual tho. After some minutes that everyone continued talking, the silence between us was overwhelming, but somehow...I could see that sometimes, he was gazing at me. I was thinking "Should I talk to him? Should I not?" but my thoughts were interrupted by a sweet yet profound voice. It was the guy next to me! -I'm Elijah.- Short simple words, an introduction, how can I feel blush just by that? -He...hey, um, I'm Abigail, nice to.. meet you.- His eyes were a beautiful brown, I could swear I could get lost in them. -You new here? I have never seen you.- -Ye..yes! I'm new. I was lucky to not get so lost hahaha.- I was so nervous, I just hoped he didn't noticed. -Impressive, this school is pretty big.- -Yeah! it is...soo umm you...look a bit..older.- I laugh at my commentary, I thought I screwed up a possible...friend, but he just laugh too, I couldn't believe it, it was embarrassing.

After a while of laughter and giggles, he turned to look at me. -I'm repeating the year, last year I was in a bad situation...so I dropped out after half year.- -Oh...well I hope that anything that happened is all good now, that you feel ok and refreshed!- He giggles and said: -I am, thanks you.-

First few period of classes passed and we were on lunch time now. Elijah came to me and putted a bag on the table. He then sit down, opened the bag, took out a bowl of food, opened and started to eat it. -Soo you bring your own food? That's...very healthy!- yeah, I didn't knew what to say. -Yeah, not all food of the cafeteria is good. What about you?- -I couldn't prepare lunch to bring and I saw what was on the cafeteria today...that pizza is not appetizing at all.- While grabbing some pasta on his fork, he laugh at what I just said. Damn...I could have swore that he was a fallen angel. There was just something about him...that attracts me like a magnet. A few moments later, water drops started to fall from the sky and little by little it started to rain even heavier. I looked at the window and smile. -I guess you like rainy days?- -Oh, yeah! it's relaxing.- He smiles at me and swallow the food he chewed. -I think the same too. It's very relaxing. He looked at me, thought for a moment, grabbed his bag and got a bowl of blueberries. -Here, you can eat these.- -Um what? No no, is your food, I couldn't possibly take it.- -Well, I'm offering, so take it. can't possible not let you eat something.- He handed me his blueberries bowl and I smiles in return. Our hands touched for a brief moment, which made us look at each other for the longest minute of my life. I broke eye contact first and hold the bowl. -Thanks you.- -You welcome.- We both started and continued to eat until the bell rang. We both noticed that we have the same class program. What a coincidence, am I right?

Classes were over and I decided to walk home. the clouds were hiding the sun and because it rained, the day was nicely cool. Birds were still singing, the wind dancing in my hair and whispering to my ear while I was walking. The sounds around me was music to my ears. complete human silence and only the nature singing, until I felt in my cheek something cold and wet, It was a water drop. Soon enough it started to rain, not that I minded anyway, but I couldn't afford get sick, It was barely the beginning of school! So I ran to the nearest place I saw with a roof on the outside. What I didn't noticed is that a stranger was there too, under the roof, shielding him from the rain. As soon as I got there I took off my jacket and use it to dry myself at least a bit, until I could get home. -Well, I see you also like to get wet in the rain too.- -Huh? excuse....me?- I then notices that the person standing right besides me was Elijah. -Oh! I didn't recognize you! And well, I do! but can't be sick so soon, so I'll leave it for another day maybe.- -I know what you mean.- He smiles and gazed to the heavy rain. how it fell, how it sounds and how each drop crashed against the solid floor. I could still feel his eyes on me, for a short minute.

Again, the silence was overwhelming. I didn't know what to talk about and he didn't talked either. Until he takes an umbrella out of his bad and opened. -Sooo all this time ya had an umbrella? Why ya didn't used it sooner?- -Well, if I had used it, I wouldn't have had the chance to enjoy this view of the rain, it's sound, it's music...and also I wouldn't have had the chance to spend some time with you in this relaxing view and scenario.- He smiles as he say that too me. I was blushed, in shock. my heart rate was way to fast and it didn't wanted t slow down. He then stretched his hand to me. -Want me to walk you home?- I was still in shock, but my body listening to my heart, gave my hand to him. We walked through the rain, under his umbrella, holding hands. Was this a dream? It sure was not. I smiled to him as he did to me.

Once a rainy day, we walked miles and miles, through our youth and through our life. Once a rainy day, I found the person whom I share every my every drop of my love and my heart with. Once a rainy day, is where my love story begins and ends.

-The end-

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