Chapter One - The Death of Qrow

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Third person pov

Today was gonna be a great day in Ruby's mind. So far she had eaten breakfast and done her daily studies. Nothing out of the ordinary. Her friends sat along side her at a table centered by a window that viewed over Atlas. After deciding to stay there since the death of Adam. Speaking of which, Yang and Blake, the ones who killed him, were taking it hard. They could barely eat or talk about fighting. Ruby felt a ting of sadness as she noticed how gloom they've been.

"C'mon guys! It'll be okay. Besides you did what you HAD to," Ruby's words hung in the air before Blake spoke.

"No one deserves death, not like that, not at all," Blake's voice trembled as she spoke, almost barely making it out in a whisper tone.

"Blake's right, but Ruby also has a point. It's been months since... It doesn't matter. You guys just need to relax." Weiss tosses those words at them almost sympathetically but a slight sound of irritation.

Yang said nothing, her eyes just danced around them, making sure she never made eye contact. Once the silence came back again they all, one by one, rose from their seats and made their way back to their rooms. They all gathered in Blake's room and started discussing their next move as a team.

Suddenly, a large siren rings through the room. They all covered their ears and yelled over it.

"What the hell is happening?!" Yang was barely audible over the loud noise.

They all shrugged and peered out the door to see people running from one direction and huntresses and huntsmen running another. They all grabbed their weapons and ran along side the others. They were all very confused until they arrived to the center of Atlas.

Grimm coated the ground and air, and still were coming. Team RWBY all pulled out their weapons and started killing Grimm. Ruby joined along side SSSN in battle, as Neptune was missing. Ruby's scythe slashed most Grimm, killing them with one sling, but more kept coming.

Yang, Weiss, and Blake all worked on the Grimm that were in the air. Weiss used her ice to make platforms for Yang and Blake to jump on while they fought in air. They struggled to keep up with all the Grimm.

A loud piercing scream echoed in the afternoon air. Everyone's eyes turned toward the scream to see Neptune and Qrow. Qrow was covered with blood, lying on the concrete. Neptune kneeled next to him, crying. Ruby and Yang raced over to them. Neptune's trident was lodged into Qrow's chest.

"Wh-what happened?!" Yang yelled.

"I-I don't know, we were fighting Grimm and he suddenly flew backwards and he..." Neptune couldn't finish his sentence. He rubbed his arm nervously as he continued to cry.

Ruby stayed silent and just stared at Qrow. Her eyes flashed with anger as she stood up and walked away from Qrow. Yang followed behind her.

"Ruby? .. It will be okay" Yang stated.

Ruby said nothing. She shrugged and shut herself in her dorm, locking herself away from the others. Throughout the day, everyone knocked at her door and left her food and gifts. After a while, everyone left her to mourn.

                                                       Next day

Yang started to get worried about Ruby, as she repeatedly tried to talk to Ruby from the other side of the door, but no answer. Yang tried everything to get her to talk; food, movies, fighting, even talking about her silver eyes.

Yang got too anxious and busted down the door to find nothing. Ruby's room was empty. No clothes hung in the closet, no blankets on the bed, and most importantly, no Ruby.

Soooo my first attempt at real fanfiction lel ≥~≤ This is probably really terrible and full of mistakes. Sorry it's kinda short. More details will be put in more.. future chapters. Anddd I will come back and add more to this chapter or fix sum things. Anyways, keep a look out for the next chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2019 ⏰

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