chapter 1

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The sound of the alarm slowly grows to a loud ear thumping sound, I notice the time and my eyes blow wide open. Shit shit shit, I'm gonna be late.

Today was my first day as a secretary, and I could not be late, I needed to make a good first impression, and being late was not the way to go.

I practically leap out of bed and head for the closet in search of some decent clothes. I grab a baby blue polo shirt with Balck jeans and a belt. I bolt to the bathroom to clean up.

After a shower, I multitask to get my clothes on and brush my teeth. You would think impossible, right? Well you'd be right, i could barely get my pants on let alone the shirt, but somehow I managed.

With teeth brushed and shirt and pants on with the belt I brush my hair just briefly before checking the time again. 6:49am. Fuck, my work started at 7:00am, I might just make it.

With no more time left to waste I grab my keys, phone and wallet and closing and locking the main door behind me running to my car.

As I start the car I quickly stuff as neat as I could my shirt into my pants. Judging by what i could see, i looked decent enough.

Time skip

I reach the building just in time with 5 minuets left to spare. I enter the building going to reception stating my name and why I was here.

"Kim Taehyung, secretary of Mr jeon."

The front lady nods. "You're late, Mr jeon is waiting." I nod but before I could leave she continues. "Top floor, number 35." I nod again and rushed to the elevators going to the floor she said.

Reaching floor 35, I exit the cube and enter a sparkly clean hallway, not that the reception area wasn't, but this was, wow. I shake myself out of my admiration and go to the desk lady.

"Um where's mr.---" I was cut off by non other than Mr. Jeon himself. "Mr Kim, you're late. Inside my office" he walks inside, me following soon after.

"I'm truly sorry Mr. Jeon, I'm not a very good morning person--." Once again I was cut off by mr. Jeon. If this is a habit of his, I might as well try and get used to it.

"I don't want your excuses, might as well waste your breath on something worth while. Now, I understand this is your first day, but don't get to comfortable with me being this nice towards you." This is nice?

"Ok your first job as my secretary, read through these files and tell me what you think of them and what needs to be changed, I have alot of work to do so don't bother me. Got that Mr Kim?"

I nod furiously grabbing the 2 files the boss had dropped on his desk for me to read. "Yes Mr jeon, right away."

Time skip

These files are taking forever to read, but I take into consideration every word written on each page. "How are you going with those files Mr kim? I don't have all day." Preventing the back chat, I answer with a normal toned voice. "I've almost finished, I just need a little more--" and yet another interruption from the boss.

"Time? If you're going to take this long reading 2 files you might as well leave. Forget reading the rest, explain what you've read and tell me what needs to be changed, and don't waste my time." Yeesh. This guy is annoying, he's lucky his looks make up for his annoying attitude.

I sit in the chair opposite Mr jeon and start stating what I've read. "These files are based on the new product you're wanting to sell, it's all in good words, but the things needing to be changed are simply the ability to promote it better, more persuasive vocab and more examples maybe---" and yet again, possibly the thousandth interruption this morning, seriously, I'm starting to get sick of the interrupting.

My face scrunched and almost glares at the male, clearly annoyed at the younger. "There's no room for, 'maybe', Mr Kim." I tried with all my power to not role my eyes. Instead I gulp it down and continue.

"Yes, right, of course. Well, in that case a couple more examples to support the evidence." Mr jeon nods resting his chin on the intertwined fingers he had just formed, thinking of possibly what to do. I just sit there awkwardly waiting for his next instruction.

A few awkward seconds pass and Mr jeon finally moves, putting his pointer finger on what looks to be a message box or something. "Send park jimin up to my office in exactly 10 minuets."

"Yes Mr jeon." The other line responds in a female voice. "Come with me Mr Kim I would like to show you to your desk. There will be some files I want you to look through and again tell me what needs to change, in other words, inhance the files. You will come straight to me when I ask you for something, you're my secretary, you do everything I say without question. Am I understood?"

"Yes Mr jeon." He stands Infront of a door connecting what seems to be a room quite close to his, infact, now looking at it, it was next to his. He opens the door and it was a little smaller than Mr jeons, but still looked quite expensive. it even had a double bed, God knows why.

"I'm guessing you're confused about the bed by the way you're looking at it. It's for when you work here too long and don't have the energy to make it back home. I have one to, but by the looks of it you didn't notice it." He says calmly with a small smile.

"The door just behind your desk to the left a bit is the door to my office, it's only for when I need you, you are not to enter without my permission, I'm trusting you with this." Why was he so protective of people entering?

"Anyway, I have to go and finish some unfinished work, as I said before, the files on your desk need attending to asap." And with that he leaves closing the door on the way out. I look around a bit more taking in my surroundings. Nice view, nice bed, nice room, nice desk. I think I'll warm up to this soon enough.

Time skip

I check the time, 7:00pm. I've been here forever, non stop working, a couple little jobs were made, but now I'm just bored, nothing to do. I haven't been asked to do anything for over an hour, I went to go ask if I could leave earlier, since the usual time I'm supposed to leave is 8:30pm.

I knock on the door linking me and Mr jeons offices. "Come in" I hear a faint but understandable mumble coming from the opposite room. I enter Mr jeons office closing it behind me.

"Mr jeon, I have finished all the work given and id like to ask for permission to leave early." He raises a brow before sighing heavily, nodding, looking away and waving his hand away, "yes you may leave, thank you for your hard work today. I look forward to tomorrow, and, please, don't be late again." I nod satisfied with his answer and exit his office to mine, collecting my things and heading home.

Time skip

I collapse like a limp noodle on my apartments couch letting out a relieved sigh before turning to the side being met with my small puppy yeontan. His tongue flopping up and down as he lets out little breathes, every now and then, sniffing my face, licking my nose. A smile creeps on my face as I grab him, sitting him on my stomach playing around with him.

Later that night after having takeaway for dinner I just laid down in my cold but comfortable bed. Slowly warming up from my body heat, making it more comfortable to sleep in. Slowly drifting off to sleep.

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