Beware of What Lurks In The Shadows

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Elli rested in her room in Philip castle, book in hand. She was focused on reading as she sat on the sofa. Elli was completely engrossed in her book when out of the corner of her eye she noticed something scurry past.

"W-What was that?" she stammered as she cautiously placed her book down and searched the room. She checked every corner of her room but found nothing.

Thinking that it was just her imagination, Elli returned to her book.

As soon as she turned around she was met with a most horrifying sight, Elli's eyes widened and her lips quivered, she looked ready to scream at any moment.

In front of her on the floor, sat a spider larger than a adult hand.

It's beady eyes stared right at her as it slowly inched towards her. Screaming, Elli ran towards the sofa as she watched it scurry around her room. She screamed loud enough that it was possible to wake the entire kingdom from their slumber.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened wide and Claude stepped in. He looked panicked as he walked towards Elli. He was worried something might be wrong with her but when he saw her freaking out on the sofa he had an idea of what it might be.

Elli noticed his presence in the room and looked towards him as she panicked.

"Elli? Why are you standing on the sofa?"

Claude asked.

"S-S-Spider! There is a spider in my room!" She cried out.

Claude sighed. "Again? That's the third one in your room in the past week. Come on," Claude held his hand out to her. "I'll go find it so you can relax." He tried to calm her with his words.

Elli hesitantly nodded and took his hand. "O-Ok..." She safely got down from the sofa.

"Where did you last see it?" Claude looked around the room trying to spot the fiend.

"I-I don't know... It was running around in all directions!" Elli could hardly keep herself together as she cautiously walked behind Claude. "Be careful Claude, it's huge! Twice the size of the last few that were in my room..." Elli exclaimed, she was worried the spider might jump at them at any moment.

"It's okay, it's still just a spider. It will die either way." Claude assured her.

Elli cautiously kept turning her head in all directions as she looked for the spider. Suddenly, the spider made an appearance some distance behind Elli. She saw it and looked directly at the spider; she noticed it was staring right at her again. "Ahhhhh." Elli screamed and jumped onto Claude's back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

Claude flinched from the sudden shock of her scream and weight on his back.

"Elli? Did you see the spider?" He asked; he grimaced a little from her holding his neck too tight.

"Yes! It was staring at me! That freaky spider stared right into my soul! It screamed 'Murder'!" She yelled and buried her head into the back of his neck.

"E..lli.. I'm sure you... imagined that..." Claude struggled to breathe as Elli cut of his air supply. He started to cough. "'Cough'... Elli.... Please let go... of my neck...'Cough.'" His face started to go pale.

"Ack, I'm so sorry!" Elli looked shy as she gently let go of his neck and lowered herself to the ground.

Claude coughed a few more times and took in a deep breath, he was relieved to be able to breath again. He turned to look at Elli. "I understand you are scared, it's fine if you want to jump on me... But please don't choke me like that again."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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