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Quinn's pov:

I was training when I could, I will not lose this war.... But why do I feel a tragedy coming?

Max looked really sad once after looking in my eyes and for some reason I couldn't see what she thought, I asked mom and she said despite it not being Max's gift it was still a gift and it countered mine so I didn't know what she saw.

She had hugged me and told me to remain strong no matter what happened but said nothing as the future shouldn't be revealed.

This brought me stress and fear, I had the feeling this meant I was going to lose someone I'm close too.... Or die myself.

It didn't help I felt the bond pull me more towards Bea who I tried to just be friends with to avoid the pain...... I need to tell Jefferson because of the pain I feel each time I see them kiss, hug or feel a stabbing pain in my heart when I guess she is having sex with him in the night, I assume it is that since there is nothing else that could fit.

I was yet again trying to see someone's thoughts from the old pack.

People shoved each other to the ground while I concentrated on my opponent, I ripped their arm off and their head before throwing them in the fire as the crowd howled cheers.

"SILENCE!!!" I turn around and look up at my ruler and alpha. "Today we are heading out!! We will destroy that pathetic pack once and for all!!" We all loudly cheered at his words.

I gasped as I opened my eyes at the snippet of thoughts I saw and hurried to my feet.

I ran to Max's house and found mom with her, mom laying her head on Max's lap as she laid on the couch and let her play with her hair, she was still not that much better since getting away from dad, physically yeah she healed and got her strength back but not mentally.... I wish I could do even this with Bea....

"Max, mom, I saw a few seconds of someone's thoughts, father has declared it was time to come destroy our pack."

"Thank you Quinn, I will call the wolves together and set up a front line." Max said.

"Don't let them get passed it like last time." Mom whispered as she kept her eyes closed and pressed her head against Max and I looked at her sadly before mouthing 'relapse' with a raised eyebrow and Max nodded with a sad look too.

Just like I had my own moments of break down or complete mental fall out mom did too but I'd say hers would get too much to handle, while I could bounce back after a day after the worst ones it could take a few days depending what triggered her...... You will pay father.... you will pay with your blood.

"Well take care.... I need to speak with Jeffy." I said and left, I just can't suffer more.... I never wished to tell him but I can't take it.

I slowly walk through to village seeing people train, this time all those that wouldn't fight were already moved to the island off the shore so only the fighters remained on mainland so even if we were snuck upon no one that could be attacked was defenseless.

"Jeffy?" I called as he looked away from his training partner, only in shorts, sport shoes and a tank top. "Walk with me."

I walked into the forest and to the cliff but didn't walk out to it, just stayed in the forest near it if you get me.

"We need to talk." I said seriously despite me fidgeting with my hands and feeling sweat dripping down my back.

"About what?"

"Beatrice." He got serious too.

"What about her?"

"I..... I..... How much do you love her?"

"With all my heart, I'd die for her...... What is it with that question? It brushes me in the wrong way."

"Jefferson look....... I..... Break up with her." I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"What?!" He yelled pissed. "No!!!"

"You need too I-I...."

"Oh so you want to steal her huh??!?! I won't let you!!!" I gasped at the kick on to my chest.

"Jef--" "Shut up!!!" He pushed me to the ground while straddling me and punching me, I crossed my arms over my head as he continued to hit them full force.

"JEFFERSON SHE IS MY M-MATE!!!" I yelled and felt no more hits so I slowly pulled my arms away and saw such a destroyed look on his face, such a pain filled look it almost brought me to tears, he knew what being mates meant.

"How long?...... HOW LONG?!?!" He yelled with tears dripping down his face, a mate bond would force her to love me and not him and he knew how it worked or how important it was too a wolf or someone like me.

"Since the first day at school."

He had an angry look on his face and punch me before screaming in anger and hurt he glared as he stood up and stomped away.

Bea's pov:

I heard Jeffy's scream and ran over to see a weird scene, Quinn on the ground covered in bruises and blood on her face and Jeffy crying as he punched a tree.

"Jeffy are you alright?" He faced me and the pain in his eyes got worst, more tears dripped down his face as he bit his lower lip.

I tried touching his face but he grabbed my hand and pushed them away.

"Get away from me Beatrice."

"Jeffy?" I was so confused.

"I'm Jefferson! And get away from me!"

"A-are you breaking up w-with me?"

"Yes!....... You can't do anything against bonds!"

"What bonds?!" I was now crying too.

"Ask the blood wolf." He spat in anger and marched passed me as I looked at Quinn who sat up.

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