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Because seasons 1,2&3 of teen wolf are placed in 2011 I had to push back the Teen Wolf timeline to fit the story so it starts in 2008.

Stiles wasn't stupid. He knew the pack was ignoring him. Ever since the nogistune they have slowly been pushing him out of the pack. He was never invited to pack meetings anymore, Scott was always 'busy' when Stiles asked to hang out. They are all distant at school, Lydia has gone back to been her cold hearted Queen she was previously, Isaac looks at him like he is a murder, Malia just outright ignores Him and Derek won't talk to him, he will barely even look at him anymore. So knew that they were going to kick him out of the pack.

Stiles phone dinging to signal a message brought him out of his thoughts. Stiles was quite surprised when he saw it was from Scott.

Sc: Pack meeting at Derek's loft at 7pm. Don't be late.

St: Okay.

Stiles let out a heavy sigh as he put his phone down. He hadn't been invited to a pack meeting in a while so he had a feeling what the meeting was about. He looked at the clock, it was 6:45pm, he had 15min to be there, he decided to leave now so he could try and be there early.

TIME SKIP(Derek's loft)

Stiles parked his jeep next to Scotts bike. He checked the time and found that he still had 5mins left so he chose to take the steps instead of the lift.

When Stiles reached Derek's door, he could hear the pack talking inside. He took a deep breath as he opened the door. The entire packed turned to him, their faces void of any emotions. That's when he knew he was right, the were going to kick him out to night.

"Have a seat Stiles," Derek practically growled.

"I think I'll stand," Stiles replied causing Derek to glare at him.

"Fine then," Scott started before Derek could speak again, "As a pack we have come to a decision that it is best for everyone that you are no longer in the pack," Scott said with no emotion in his voice.

"Okay," Stiles replied gaining shocked faces from the pack.

"Okay! Just okay!" Derek shouted in disbelief.

"Yeah Derek just okay! But just remember that I might have been some spastic kid with ADHD who got possessed but I have done so much for this pack. Hell I even held your paralysed ass up in a pool for three hours Derek!" Stiles yelled in a sudden outburst of anger, " But if you want me gone, I'll go. Just don't come to me when you need any help." With that stiles turned and walked out of the loft leaving a very shocked pack behind.

When Stiles got home, his fathers cruiser was parked in the drive way. He let out a sigh knowing his father would instantly know something was wrong. And as much as Stiles hates the pack, he didn't want his dad shoot them.

As Stiles entered the house he spotted this father at the kitchen table looking over a case file. Stiles slowly crept pass the kitchen door hopping his father wouldn't look from his work. He was just about to head up the stairs when his father called out.

"Stiles, that you?"

Stiles shoulders sunk knowing he had been caught. He slowly turned around and made his way back to the kitchen. As stiles entered to kitchen, his fathers face fell at the sight of his son. Stiles eyes were red and puffy from crying, he had dark bags under his eyes that stand out even more on his pale skin, from not sleeping properly and he was very skinny because he barely ate anymore.

"What happened?" Noah asked in a worried tone.

When his son didn't reply he stood from the table and started to make his way towards Stiles. As he reached Stiles, his son broke down, falling to the ground in a pile of tears. After a while, Stiles had stopped crying and was slowly starting to calm down. As he did he started to explain what happened to his father starting with the pack ignoring him to them kicking him out.

"Dad," Stiles voice sounded hoarse from crying, "I can't be here any more this town has caused so much pain and bad memories. I just can't be here anymore."

Noah lets out a sigh knowing his son was right. This town was slowly destroying Stiles.

"How about this, you head to bed and try and get some sleep and we will talk about it in the morning."

Stiles nodded his head and slowly stated to make his way up the stairs to his room. After the Sheriff heard Stiles door close, he pulled out his phone and found the number he was looking for. It was a number he hadn't used it in a very long time. After a long minute he finally pressed the call Botton and put the phone to his ear.

"Hello. This is Phil speaking."

"Hey Phil, its Noah"

"It's good to hear from you Noah, it's been awhile. How are you and mischief doing?"

"That's actually the reason I called," Noah said in a sad voice.

"What's wrong?" Phil asked in a voice laced with worry.

"He...he needs to get out of this town. It's tearing him apart on the inside and outside, he's falling into depression and I don't know what to do."

"What happened to do this to him?"

"Where do I start. Firstly he was traumatized by an attack on him and his friends, then he lost one of his childhood best friends Heather. A little while after one of his other friends, Allison, was killed by a mugger. Last but not least to top it off the rest of his friends blame him for Allison's death and they have been slowly pushing him away to the point he is all alone."

"Wow that's...that's a lot to have happen to someone his age."

"Look Phil, I know you have some top secret job but I need a favour, he needs to leave town for a bit... Could he maybe go and stay with you in New York for a bit, please?"

After awhile Phil replied, "Sure boss has been telling me I need some time away from work anyway."

"Thank you Phil, I owe you one."

After saying their goodbyes, Noah then starts looking at flights to get Stiles out of here before anything else happens.

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