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"I fucking hate you England. I loathe your very existence. Can't you maybe just disappear and leave me the hell alone. Damn old geezer, I'm not your colony anymore. I'm independent. Can't you just get this little piece of fucking fact inside your brain? Stop ordering me around anyway. Just leave me the hell alone. " an angry America storms off the door of the meeting room, leaving England wide eyed staring at the still swinging double doors. His chest stung.

"Why the bloody hell do I have to be born in this useless country ? Damn it's so boring in here. God, I can't wait for summer vacation. I'm so going to Venice to visit my gramps place. It's so much better than here. " a young teenage boy with dark brown hair and green eyes of about 15 said . England was nearby, he heard everything.  His chest feels tight. It hurts!

"Is America not here? " England asked. The look of disdain clearly visible on the eyes of other nations as they stared at him like he's just a piece of junk lying in the most foul smelling trash .
"Hai. He didn't came. You really dissapoint me England-san. You used to be so great. " Japan stated, clear disappointment in his eyes. England's chest tightened again. It hurts!

"England, you have always been a great personification of our country. Had been for years now. But the you of now is not enough. If I have to be honest with you, the you of now is useless. You have to update yourself. You're not as great as you used to be. And it's shaming us." The president said as he looked at England through knitted brows, a disappointed look in his eyes as he stared at the blonde personification. England nodded. Head bowed. Silent. His chest hurt. Silently. Again.


A pair of peridot eyes stared out the large widow, along the seemingly endless deserted fields. No sign of vegetation could be seen except for the few trees here and there. The weather seemingly gloomy, grey clouds decorating the entirity of the sky. Cold winds blowing here and there, leaving  chills down anyone who came in contact with it.

England was no exception. He also felt a chill run down his spine as he felt the wind hit his face,messing with his blonde mess of a hair, making it even messier than it originally was.

The whole scenery gave a lifeless feeling. Like everything was dead. But even these dreary scenery could not match to a pair of peridot orbs who looked like any kind of life they possibly could've had, have been stolen away.

It made the little fairies around him very worried. They have seen this person hurt before but never had his eyes ever looked this lifeless. They looked like he had given up on everything in this world. It seemed as if he doesn't care about anything anymore.  They really do look dead. Without any trace of life.

"Hey. " The little cute fairies- emitting different colours of light from the tiny wings in their back which completely surrounded their small frames matching very well with their outfits- perked up at sound of his voice. He had been silent since he came from the meeting with that president, looking utterly defeated. They knew why, they were there after all. They saw what happened, that was why they didn't try to talk to him at all. They wanted to give him his space.  It was three days ago when they've decided to not speak to him.


"What is it England? "

"Do you need anything?"

"Are you hungry?"

Different voices, like that of tinkering bells tinkered, making England chuckle, but his eyes were still lifeless.

"No, no, no. I don't need anything and nor am I hungry. I was-" he stopped mid sentence, took a deep breath and continued " -I was just thinking maybe I should get away from here. I'm not needed you know. Maybe I should go away somewhere, far from here. " he said, every word, soft as a whisper.

"Where do you wanna go?" They asked ignoring the other things he said.

"I don't know. But somewhere far away from here, where no one can find me. " he closed his eyes as another cold wind blew at his face.

It was sillent for a while.  Then-

"Should we take you?" Someone among the fairies asked, not sure whom. It was a soft voice, different than the usual cheerful tinker of the fairy types. But it doesn't matter.

"Yeah. Please take me away." He turned to face them, turning his back towards the window. A smile on his lips. Just by that the fairies confirmed their decision.

That smile was sad. So very sad. So very lonely. So very broken. They can't leave him here, no matter what. They need to take him away. Far away from this lonely place. And they knew just the right place.

"Please follow us then. " they said.

"Lead the way. "

And thus England was gone. Nowhere to be found. Lost in nothingness.  Lost somewhere. No one knows where though.

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