People say knives and heels don't go well together. Well people are wrong.
It's like saying that the moon could shine without the sun. It couldn't. And the world would be a little less dashing. I looked at the knife now, twirling it in between my slender fingers, watched it catch light just like a mirror would. Except this one was a little more.... sharp.
"We see him Eternity, " Rose's voice filtered through the ear piece. I sighed, fingers lingering on my weapon, before I pushed it down deep into my boot. It's cold steely sheats, were a reassuring pressure. This was the part I hated most about missions. This whole to-ing and fro- ing, all these pretenses. The killing was the best. The slice of a neck, the gurgle they made when their life bled out. It was facinating.
I got up from the couch I had been lounging on just as the door bell rang. I didn't run to get it. It was only Daniel. Let him enjoy his last moments of freedom, I thought to myself. Instead I clicked my way calmly into the hall, pausing to admire my sun light reflection in the mirror before opening the door.
I could hear him breathing on the other side. Calm. Regular. Smooth.
Daniel stood on the door step. As a werewolf, he was as cute as they went. He had a rugged appearance, well toned, with a scraggly mop of chestnut hair that stook out at all angles from him running his hand through it. He wore a green tank top , leaving more skin bare to the cold than a human could handle. But he wasn't human. And he had nice arms.
"Maya, " he said and stepped forward, to kiss me on the cheek. This was another part of the job that I despised. Kissing the werewolfs. They had breath that reeked of dog treats, and the wet smell of fur always seemed to linger, just beneath the surface.
" Lance, " I replied, taking him by the hand " come on in, I'll get you something to drink."
He stepped in without any hesitation, jumping over the threshold into the sea of blue marble that the interior artist had choosen. Maya and Lance. Daniel and Eternity. I wondered did he know what I was, but like so many pathetic creatures of his race, was certain that my love for him will keep me from doing harm? Or was he one of the naive ones, the ones that thought that I was just a human girl to prey on. Well in both cases, he would be very wrong.
Looking at his awed expression, I couldn't tell. He was relaxed, so that was a start, it meant he didn't know exactly whos lair he had wandered into.
I bolted the door behind him. Not that he couldn't toss himself out a window or something. But still, it was almost symbolic, like the shutting of a crypt for the last time. His crypt. He didn't even shiver.
" Nice house, " he said, gazing at the high ceilings and the chandeliers that were dangling from them " did you design it yourselves? "
"No, my sister had interior designers over, " I told him, and took him by the hand. It was big and paw like. Rough. " I did do the kitchen, come on I'll show you, "
The kitchen was the only place in the house, that wasn't drowning in a puddle of blue. I had decided on steely white surfaces and glass cabinets, on roman style floors and sunshine walls, on a great curving glass table and modern stools, rather than chairs. It really was picturesque. I felt a twinge of regret at this having to be ruined, in the fight.
"Where are the drinks? " he asked, and walked over to the bar that took up th entire back wall. I rolled my eyes at his back. So typical of a dog. To lap up and get drunk.
"Whiskey's in the third one from the right, " I told him " just wait here, I gotta run to the bathroom, "
I left, closing the door behind him. Once I was safely out of ear shot, I turned on my microphone. I needed to ask Rose, to see where she was at, especially incase our guest did a runner, if I didn't get him under control. Unlikely, I was too good for slip ups, but safety never hurt.

FantasyPerfect lipgloss and heels are not all that exists in a girls world. Eternity Kill, is part of the Heartbreakers Sorority, who's whole purpose is to charm and then kill supernatural creatures. She lives a double life, going by the name of Angel, a h...