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Regret filled me the instant I raped  his door, I despised every inch of Blake and he also made it perfectly clear that he didn't want anything to do with me, I was the last thing he wanted to see at two a.m in the morning.
But I had no choice, This was the last straw the door swung open rapidly behind it stood a man wearing nothin but a pair of black boxer shorts.

"Do you know what time" Blake pauses, His cold glare was replaced with amusement when he saw me standing outside his door in my pitiful state, I was soaking wet as it was raining outside.

"I thought I made it clear, jasmine you're fired." He mused and impassively crosses his arms " I just have a favor to ask you" I pleaded, grabbing into the edge of the door before he had a chance to slam it on my face "the answer is no,If you have any sense at all you would come to my office in the morning instead of barging into my house at this hour."
Blake hissed after tearing my Hands off his front door "Blake  please It's freezing outside."

I took a step forward,His arm shot out and blocked me from advancing any further.

"No I don't want you dripping all over my living room,Go home" his blue eyes stone with fury "your dead to me jasmine" my shameless efforts were futile,I couldn't extract a drop of sympathy from him,He was the type of person that took pleasure in seeing other in pain.

One more try and I was going to give up, I tilted my head to meet his gaze "I have no where else to go" his expression softened for a second before he shot me another dirty look, He yanked my arm harshly and dragged me into his apartment "this better be good." He grumbled.

"Stay there don't move an inch." He left me standing on his floor mat, I hugged my self tightly to prevent the little heat I had left from escaping from my body. I tried in vain to stop my hands from tremblingly while I waited for his return, he came back a few minutes later and made me go sit on the sofa which was now covered with a layer of plastic.

"I don't want you ruining my furniture" I heard him mutter when he saw me starring at his sofa, He inches closer and wrapped my body in a beach towel, His chest gently brushed against my four head as he spreads the towel on my back, He lingered for a few seconds before drawing away, I Look up at him missing the warmth that left from His body right after he broke away from me.

In return he gave me a face mixed with anger confusion and something else which I couldn't quite decipher "drink" he snapped, handing me a mug of hot water before he sat on the sofa adjacent to me " alright, tell me what you want" Blake leaned forward, making his well formed muscles flex with intimidation, He was at least a foot taller than my small 5'6 frame.

And he knew that he has always made me feel tiny so he made it a habit to rub it in whenever he could " i need a job, Blake" I sat the mug down.

"And why should I give you a job?" He chuckled, I fidgeted nervously.

I could rack my Brain and give him a hundred good answer yet deep down inside I knew that he wouldn't listen there was only one answer that would make him reconsider giving me a job but it would lead down to a path I was unwilling to take.

"Please don't make me do this! You know I'm competence enough to handle the job" I clenched my knuckles in rage.

"It's not a question of competence you know that" Blake laughed condescendingly before he stood up "I'll give you a hint jasmine, ask yourself why I fired you."

"I'm being very lenient. If you can't give me a reason to higher you, leave."

Blake smirked one last time before he abandons me in the living room I knew what he me wanted to say, But I couldn't give him that satisfaction. At the same time, I couldn't allow myself to leave his place without a job. I had to think this through, If I gave him what he wanted I would be able to seek revenge and ruin Sofia's future. I had two choices, both would end badly for me, it was between the devil and the deep blue sea. Blake lean and a shapely form comes to my vision after quite sometime, He strolled towards me casually with a glass of red wine in his hand.

" have you made up your mind?" There was not a hint of emotion in his voice his gaze remained solid as he looked down at me, making me feel uncomfortable under his stare "I'll do it" I stammered impulsively gating myself for sounding so uncertain and scared.

"I can't hear you" he raised an eyebrow playfully, behind the tough emptiness exterior of his face, he was smiling pleasantly once again Blake had gotten what he wanted.

"I'll do what you want me to do" I dug my nails into my thighs, I want to punch his perfectly sculpted face "you have to be more specific jasmine " he tilted my chin with his finger, His deep blue eyes were unfaltering as he stared at me.

I returned his glade and said through my gritted teeth
"I'll be your fuck buddy"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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