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I ran through the woods, away from the village. I had "Borrowed" a few morsels of food and now another village will be hunting me down. I rolled my eyes and once I was far enough, I climbed a tree to the highest branch.
"Sunset, I better get some shut eye, if I'm gonna find even one of those jewel shards.." I sat down and hung one foot off the branch, I leaned my back against the trunk and shut my eyes, slowly drifting into the next dreamscape.

InuYasha POV

Kagome and I stopped for a few minutes, Shippo was helping make the fire and Miroku was meditating, I think. I suddenly froze and sniffed the air.
"What is it, a demon?" Kagome asked. I shook my head.
"No, half demon, and it's close." They all froze and looked around. Shippo suddenly gasped and pointed up.
"Look!" He said. I looked up to see a girl, she was definitely where the scent was coming from. I sniffed again.
"She's asleep. Come on Kagome, you still have that extra bead necklace the old hag gave you?" I asked, if she was any part demon, she was after a jewel shard. She nodded and I motioned for her to get on my back. Shippo got on her shoulder and she got on my back. I jumped up to the branch the girl was laying on, Miroku And Sango  followed. Kagome tip toed forward to put the necklace on her, it was halfway over her head when the girls nose twitched. Kagome quickly dropped the necklace on her shouldes and cowered behind me. The girls (E/C) eyes opened, her (F/C) ears twitched.


I sniffed the air, human scent was strong. Someone was close, very close. I slowly opened my eyes, waiting for them to adjust, my ears strained to hear something. Once my eyes adjusted, I saw two girls, a monk, another half demon and a fox demon. I quickly jumped up, scared.
"I-I-I'm so sorry! The village must've sent you! I'm sorry I was just hungry, please Please don't hurt me!" I cried. I dropped to my knees lowered my head and pleaded with my hands, that's when something hit my face gently. I opened my eyes and sat on my knees.
"Huh? What's this?" I asked to myself inspecting the beads on my neck.
"I didn't steal a necklace, someone must've framed me! I'll give it back! Here!" I tried to take the necklace off to hand to them but it wouldn't come off. 'Damn! Cursed! I'm for it now.' The white-haired demon chuckled.
"Well? Hand it over, what's the issue?" He said, smirking. I narrowed my eyes, no way out, they look like they are prepared to kill for this.
"I'm sorry, but I can't take it off, I understand you can't let me go..." I lowered my head and smiled at the ground, a determined look crossed my face.
"But that doesn't mean I'm not going without a fight. BATTLE MODE!" I yelled at them and jumped up. A shoulder guard appeared on my left shoulder. My ears, claws, and fangs grew bigger. My eyes became slits and two whips appeared on each side of my waist. I landed on a branch a good distance away.
"Just a heads up, half-demon, and fox demon. These stones on the ends of my whips, are angel stones. I'm sure you know what they'd do to you." I smirked. I didn't what to fight, but I'm not dying over a stupid necklace. The two demons looked shocked and scared.
"Angel stones? What are those, InuYasha?" The girl asked. The white-haired boy responded, so he's InuYasha, good to know.
"There's only twelve of them in exsistence, one touch to a demons skin by those things and it'll hurt more than anything. Not to mention, when it happens the skin in the area will heal like a mortals, which means I can't get hit by those, not once." He said, I giggled.
"That's right, and there's two Angel Stones on each whip, which means I have four out of the twelve. Now, how about you tell her what happens if I hit the skin over your heart?" I said. He clenched his fists.
"Instant death." The monk answered. The girl gasped, she turns to me with a stern look.
"I was hoping not to do this today, but you leave me no choice! What's your name?" She asked sweetly. I rose an eyebrow.
"(Y/N), why would you not want to do that?" I asked confused. InuYasha shook his head and crossed his arms.
"Not that." he said smiling smugly. The girl clapped her hands.
"(Y/N), Sit Girl!" She shouted. The beads around my neck glowed brightly and I was suddenly yanked to the ground, being slammed face first into it. I laid still, I heard the five people jump in front of me. A searing pain was on my thigh and I jumped up swiping the angel stone off of me. I brought my knees to my chest and laid against a tree.
"Go ahead, kill me for the necklace. You'll be doing the world a favor anyways." I said, rubbing the burn mark softly. I had tears in my eyes and I buried my face into my knees. It was the monk who stepped forward and kneeled in front of me. If it wasn't the scent that gave him away, it would be the jingly things on his staff. I felt a hand on my cheek and I opened my eyes to look at him. He smiled softly.
"We are not here for the necklace, in fact Kagome placed the necklace onto you. You see we were worried that you were hunting for a jewel shard." I gasped and turned my head from him.
"I was-" I was cut off by InuYasha.
"See! I was right!" He yelled, I shot him a harsh glare.
"WAS! Looking for a jewel shard to heal my eldest sister!" I said. I was fuming, how could he be so assuming? My gaze returned to the ground, saddened at the thought of her. The monk was shocked at the sudden outburst. He looked at me with kind eyes.
"Lead us to her, perhaps I could help her." He said. I looked at him, tears again came to my vision and I hugged him tightly.
"Thank You! thank you thank you!" I nuzzled into his chest and thanked him repeatedly. He seemed surprised.
"Come on! I'll lead you, and use the spell to open the village!" I said. I led them, helping the tiny fox demon since it was a dangerous path. I stopped at the top of an oak tree, looking out into the forest. The trip took hours.
"So? Where is it?" InuYasha crossed his arms. I set Shippo down. I had learned their name along the way. Miroku is the kind monk, InuYasha is the half-demon, Shippo is the fox demon, Kagome is a human with purification abilities, and Sango was the last of the demon slayers. I took a deep breath and took a stance. One leg lifted and the foot resting on the others knee. My hands in a prayer formation and my eyes closed, I listened. Soon a howl was heard.
"Open spell! The wolf has granted us access, reveal what is not seen!" I said, opening my eyes. There was a loud pulsing noise as the image of the forest melted away. Soon my village was revealed and the citizens had gathered to greet me. I smirked at InuYasha and jumped down. They followed and the villagers rushed to greet us.
"The princess!"
"The princess has returned!"
"May the gods bless us!" Mixtures of greets and praises rung in my ears but one silenced the others.
"My sweet baby-girl! You have returned!" A sweet- old sounding voice boomed over everyone, I shoved my way through the crowd rushing to the old demon.
"Momma!" I yelled tackling her into a hug. The old demon hugged me back, I was tiny compared to her.
"Oh, my sweet youngest child, I worried for you." She released me, as the others came up behind me.
"Momma! I bought help for Shinaru! I brought her healers! She's gonna be ok!" My momma's face darkened.
"Baby... Shinaru went missing two days after you left, I'm so-" I cut her off by running past her. I had tears in my eyes, no. It's not true, Momma is wrong!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2019 ⏰

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