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Class reunions... UUUGGGG!

I refused to go to our fifth, but Lauren talked me into coming to our tenth. Not that my Greek goddess would really have to work that hard at convincing me of anything if she really wanted to.

She would lift an eyebrow and remind me she's Cuban not Greek, but her black hair and beautiful skin makes me think of her that way. And as long as I add goddess to the end, it still makes her smile.

I did manage to put my pants on while watching her put her stockings on, her butt clenching and moving as she did. When she slipped her corset up her body and looked at me over her shoulder and said, "Care to help me lace up dear?"

I was ready to drop them and bend this beauty over the bed. She grinned knowing exactly what I was thinking. "Uh Uhhh, later, hot stuff."

I walked up behind her and nestled my hard cock in the crease of her ass making her sigh, then I backed off to assume the chore of lacing my beautiful wife's corset with the tip of my cock between her cheeks thinking about easing forward and burying it in her. I kissed her bare shoulder a few times as I did, looking at her in the mirror.

Lauren didn't really need a corset. True she had filled out a bit from high school, her tits were a bit bigger and had settled a bit, but not what I would call sagging. And of course her delicious chewy nipples still stood out there already calling my lips to them.

I finished my 'chores' and leaned in to nibble on her neck nudging a little deeper between her cheeks, "Hey gorgeous."

"Hey beautiful." Lauren reached up for the cups and folded the top of them in to let her nipples stand out, "I brought my bikini..." I looked up hopefully at her in the mirror. She smiled and nodded, "The little white one..."

I pulled her close to me slipping just a little deeper between her cheeks, reaching around to cup those firmly held tits, running my fingers over her hardening nipples as I closed my eyes and was instantly transported back to high school...


Picture a small southern Wisconsin town, the exact name and place unimportant, primarily rural with some industry and a small state college. Several little grade schools, three middle schools, and one high school and you get the picture. Although it did grow enough to expand to a second high school in my junior year when the catholic school closed.

Now picture a little town nearby that had one school, covering all grades. thats where i started out.

I spent my first seven years of school in that small town going to that little school, living on the edge of town with next door literally being a corn field. Needless to say, most of us were pretty self sufficient and self entertaining. We had to be.

That all changed when Dad bought a junk yard and we moved closer to 'The Big City.'

We were still out on the edge of town, but now there was a lot more to do, if I wanted to ride my bicycle five miles into town. Now going in wasn't too bad, but since we lived at the top of a fairly big hill, coming home meant pedaling in low gear or walking the bike up the hill. It was a toss up what was faster on any given day. My imagination said it was faster pedaling with a tail wind, but sometimes I think my imagination was trying to get the better of me...

The other fun part was for as much of a motor head as my Dad was, I wasn't. I was a geek. Although we weren't called that back then, just a lot of other interesting names.

Now being the only kid in the house with a penis, I was promptly enslaved to help out in the junk yard whenever I wasn't doing something for Mom at home. And since I wasn't into cleaning and painting the new house, I left that to Mom and my sister.

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