apple pie

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Dean Winchester has had the shitty day to end all shitty days. First, his alarm doesn't go off. Mom is working the morning shift at the hospital so she isn't there to act as his snooze button. After waking up five minutes after he's supposed to have left, Dean all but throws himself and Sammy out the door, arriving at school a half hour late. He then takes a pop quiz that he fails miserably, blanks on the physics test he had stayed up all night studying for, and realizes that his English assignment-already three days late-on his desk at home.

Cas has a photography meeting during lunch so Dean has to sit alone. His coke explodes in his lunch bag and he gets mustard on his favourite t-shirt. Dean is late picking up Sam because he gets detention for eating in the hall, and on the way back home, the Impala's air conditioner dies.

When Dean finally steps inside the house, he is met with a very angry mother: apparently, the fridge hadn't closed all the way when he'd shut it that morning and everything went bad.

So, is Dean upset? Yeah. Is he feeling completely discouraged? A little bit. Is he 110% done with this day? Understatement.

"Dean, get the door!"

Understandably, he's hesitant about answering. He does it anyway, though, because he's really sorry about messing up and doesn't want any more yelling.

It's Cas.

"Don't be mad."

Fuck, what else?

Dean's fear must show plainly on his face, because Castiel pushes into the house with this weirdly soft look, hands behind his back. They're basically pressed up against each other in the narrow hallway, but Dean can't bring himself to move. He's not sure how much more shit he can take.

Then Cas somehow manages to move his arms and reveal an apple pie. And not just any apple pie, a perfectly golden, warm-looking, mouth-watering one. It looks beyond amazing, and Dean stares at the baked good dumbly. The tips of his ears turn pink. "Uh..."

"It's for you," Castiel says shyly. "You looked like you had a hard day today."

Dean is speechless. "So, you just... made me pie? You just went home and made a pie and brought it over?"

"Is that... wrong?"

"Fuck, no," Dean breathes, relieved. Finally. Finally, something good. Something good in the form of pie. "Cas, this is awesome. Thanks, man." He takes the warm plate and tugs on Cas's wrist. "C'mon."

Dean digs in without a plate, thanking his lucky stars that his mother is currently outside hanging up the laundry. He hands a fork to Castiel. "You're the best, Cas, seriously."

"It was nothing," Cas blushes.

Dean groans around a mouthful of apples. "I fuckin' love you, Castiel. God."

Dean ignores the jump of his heart at the words, carefully ignoring the way Cas's smile turns just this side of stupid, his cheeks reddening even further. The butterflies in Dean's stomach aren't new, but they're constantly overlooked. "I love you, too," Castiel says quietly.

And that's the end of that.

When Mary comes back inside, she corrals the boys into the dining room to do their homework, insisting that either they work, or Castiel comes back later. Dean objects to being treated like a baby, but his mother gives him a warning look that makes Dean's word die in his throat. Cas ends up leaving after dinner and Dr. Sexy, homework completed and empty pie plate in hand. "Thanks again, man."

They're lingering on the porch now, in that space that acknowledges the end of the evening despite wanting it to continue. It is, after all, a school night.

"My pleasure," Cas replies. "I'll always be here to bake you pie, Dean."

"Yeah, I know," Dean grins bashfully.

"I should go."

"Yeah... okay."

Dean is reluctant, and his hands itch when Cas nods his goodbye. He watches his friend descend the steps and turn left down the sidewalk, his own hands slipping in the pockets of those stupid slacks he always wears. Castiel always looks like he's going to church.


Cas pauses.

Dean is moving before he loses his nerve. He bounds down the porch steps, heart pounding wildly as he stops just short of knocking Castiel over, panting because all of a sudden there just isn't enough air. Quickly, Dean leans forward, pressing a quick chaste kiss to Cas's mouth before pulling away. "Thank you," he whispers again. Dean then fidgets like nobody's business. All Castiel does is stare.

"Wow," Dean mutters. "I just totally fucked up, didn't I? Fuck, Cas, I'm so-mmph!"

Castiel is kissing him. Cas is kissing him. It's all Dean can do to close his eyes and hold on, the pie plate smushed up between them. It's hot and clumsy and both boys pull away with identical expressions of shock. "Do you...?"

"Yes," Cas answers. "And you?"

"Yeah," Dean whispers. "Since when?"

"The day I met you."

"Fuck." Dean presses their mouths together for the third time, this kiss softer and sweeter than the others. Their twin smiles are goofy. "Thanks," Dean breathes again, lightly nipping on Cas's lips. The other boy makes an involuntary sound of approval.

"F-For what?" Cas asks breathlessly.

Dean shrugs, thinking of all the crap days he's had. There are the hugs from his mother and brother, but Castiel is a constant in the aftermath. No matter how bad it gets, no matter if Dean breaks, Cas is always there. "...For everything, I guess," Dean says. His voice is warm with adoration. "For everything."

Castiel plants a kiss on the corner of Dean's mouth. "You're welcome."

The next day, Dean and Cas sit together at lunch, as per usual... but this time, between their peanut butter sandwiches, they're holding hands.

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