Was it odd? Or rather, was she odd? For wanting it, for wanting so desperately for her father to come back so she could torture him? Of course not. But it scratched at the back of her mind, fantasizing of bashing his skull into the cement pillars at their estate, watching his face deform and become an oozing, bloody mess. The snap of fingers brought her to, Alucard staring at her with faintly furrowed brows, "Is there something wrong, my dear?"
"I... what? Oh... oh, no. It's all wonderful, I was just... nevermind."
Seras sipped on her straw, sucking up the blood she so playfully poured in from a late night spree at a local jail on the worst known people there with her much older master. Her master. God, that was another thought that flashed in her mind. Would it be odd if she were to fancy him? She was more than old enough to be of consenting age... but he's... what? Hundreds of years old or something? Bah, these aren't thoughts for dinner. Said thoughts will just ruin her pasta. The young master sighed nearly silently, shaking her head, "I'll be... moving in as soon as I can... I wanted you two aware of that."
Alucard gave a small bow of the head from where he sat close by her, "But of course. We'll send out some people to go back to your old estate to retrie--"
"No, I'll do it. I'm capable of packing my own stuff, dear vampire."
His lips quirked into a small smirk, "Very well."
Seras gasped, hugging tightly onto her young master's arm, "Ooo! Am I allowed to come?" The response had earned a giggle from the white haired girl, "Of course. Why wouldn't you be?" The blonde woman pulled back, a big, toothy grin on her flawless face, "Wonderful! When do we leave?"
Alucard hummed, "Rather abrupt, master..."
"Hey, I don't actually want to go, but I'm ripping this bloody shit off like it's a very old bandaid."
Seras gave a nod, "I'll pack for it, then," still speaking, she already begun to bounce away, skipping and twirling while Pip manifested besides her to dance along with her. The youngest master watched with a smile teasing her lovely lips, "Cuties..." Alucard scoffed in response, "Hardly. They can be quite loud, I don't know if I'd qualify that as cute, Master." "You killjoy," she flung her napkin at his face, chuckling as he flicked his arm up, catching the small black cloth, "For tonight, we'll take a plane and some men with us to load up any furniture you may want to keep, so it can go by faster and I can stay close by for your protection." The white haired girl smiled, reaching out to use the top of her index finger to push up on the rim of his hat, "I'm not taking much with me, but thank you, Alucard."
He gave a quick bow before taking his immediate leave, getting things ready for tonight. It was quick, time passed fast, and before the young woman knew, she was sitting between Alucard and Seras. The two vampires sat still, both staring out the windows of the personal, small, luxurious plane while their young master sat between them, book in hand as she read, both hands on the edges of the book. Stray hairs whipped around her tufts of white hair, her index finger tapping softly on the hardcover. Alucard glanced over to her, leaning barely an inch closer, "What are you reading, my dear?"
"A Man's Tools."
"Is it about a man's tools?"
"What kind of tools?"
"Special kinds of tools."
"Useful tools?"
"Not the kind you're thinking of."
"Then what are they?"
"Magic? I think? It hasn't been explained yet. But the man is rumored to be wizard in the 1200s."