Guys, it's okay to just be who you are in front of anybody around you. You don't have to try to be different in front of other people just to catch a positive impression from them, just be as you are and people would definitely look after your own generous & genuine personality that you're obviously showing them. You don't need to worry about people thinking that you're not cool enough or worrying that if they don't like you or even thinking like "what if they heard something bad about me that's clearly fake?"
You know what, If they know you, they'll believe in you, and if they like you, then they'll get along with you and accept your genuine personality, and accept you for who you are. If they don't like you, that's okay, you don't have to try so hard to impress them by showing them your "artificial personality". Remember that you're not living in this world to achieve their blessings.
And It's actually okay for not having so much influence from others, as long as you know what you're doing and you can manage to get things going in your own way and satisfaction, isn't that satisfying enough?
We're not living in this world just to satisfy others without realising the importance of pleasing ourselves first. Please, take care of yourself now, the future you appreciates it.
self-appreciation - 20.1.18
Literatura FaktuThis is a little something I wrote for those of you who feel worthless or unwanted. Don't ever think of taking your own life because at the end of the day, you have no idea how certain people still care about you. They're just shy to show you that t...