God I Love Him

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Stiles's POV

I watched Danny talking to Jackson across the room and tilted my head.
He was ok... I guess?
God, I don't even know how to deal with myself.

"Stiles? STILES!"
I jumped at the sound of the voice in my ear.
My best friend, Scott McCall, was staring at me, looking irritated.
"Dude, weren't you even listening to me?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah. New evil monsters, trying to kill us, what else is new?"

Scott huffed
"No. I was just saying-"
He caught my glance waver back over to Danny, quite clearly checking him out, btw, and a grin crept over his lips.
"Alas, I see your mind is currently pre-occupied."

I glared at him.

"Dude, why don't you just ask him out?"

"Are you kidding? I-I don't li-like him!"
I stammered on my words, even though I didn't like him.
It was just something about the thought of asking another guy out.
"I'm not gay!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you tell yourself."
Scott thought
"So, you're telling me, if he turned up at your front door, lustful and helpless, and he threw himself at you, you'd turn him down?"

I considered for a brief moment, but my thoughts were interrupted by the blaring of the bells over head.

Derek's POV

I was just running in the woods, my usual trek, when I went off the trail.
I wasn't really sure where I was running, I was just letting my legs lead me.

Before I knew it, I was jogging on the streets, and approaching a familiar house.

Jumped up, and landed on an even more familiar window sill, looking through an open window.

Inside the room, sat on a bed, surrounded by walls covered in photos and red string, was a small, skinny boy with ruffled, dark brown hair.
He was holding a small cardboard container, popped something from it in his mouth and took a swig of water.


He jumped.
His limps flailed up, the water spilled, and the cardboard container fell, and little white pills scattered all over the floor.
"Fuck! My adderall!"

As he dove down the pick up the tablets, I bit my lip, ashamed that I had startled him so.

"Dude, don't you ever knock?"

I scowled at him, then jumped inside.
I curiously picked up one of the Adderall tablets off the floor, and was overwhelmed by the intoxicating fumes flowing from them.
"Stiles, how many of these did you take?"

"Ummm... four?"
He was still searching for the pills, checking that they hadn't skittered under floorboards or the bed.

I narrowed my eyes
"Maybe you should lay off a bit."

He shrugged, his eyes innocent.
"If you say so."
He plucked the tablets from my fingers, not even flinching from the slight contact of skin, like I did.
He poured the pills into the box from his cupped hand.
"What are you doing here anyways?"

"I was... looking for... Scott?"
It was a lame excuse, and I said it very unconvincingly, but he seemed to buy it.

"Oh, okay. He's at Allison's."

"Oh. Thanks."

There was a moment of silence.

"So... I'll go then."


I half-waved awkwardly at him and leaped out his window.
As I walked away, I took one glance back at his window, and saw him take off his shirt and run his hand through his hair.

God, I love him.

So, this is my first story. So please stick with me 😅👍🏻~
Jay Xx

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