Chapter 1, Auburn

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I was walking out of my cave when I saw two humans walking by. I was glad I hadn't turned into my true self. I walked up to them and smiled. "Hi." I said before waving. Normally I had long black hair, silver eyes, I was pale and had a black mark I guess on the bottom of my left eye and at the top. I also only wore black and purple, it felt weird to wear any other colors. "Hi." The girl said. "Hello. I'm James." The guy said. "Oh, I'm Lucy." The girl said. "Are you two from the Budder Kingdom by chance?" I asked. "Yeah!" Lucy said. "Well, she is, but I'm not. I'm from Bandle City." James said. (A/N if you know where Bandle City is from then Iove you XD) "Oh, that's nice." I said. I was mentally sighing. Of course one of them came from a different city, Bandle City no less, that's where he came from. This James was safe from me, but Lucy was not. I could kill her at any time. "We're going to Ionia, you can come with us if you'd like, er." James said. "Vine, My name is Vine." I said. "Vine, I like that name." Lucy said. "Thanks." I said. I gave her a small smile. I had to act normal, I had to if this was going to work. "I know a short-cut to Ionia, I've been there so many times before." I said. "Okay, where is it?" Lucy asked. "Just follow me." I said. I led them down a narrow path. It was becoming dark so I said "Hurry, there is a house we can stay in for the night, the mobs stay away from it.". I could see the house and stars were starting to appear. I started to run and they followed. I opened the door as the mobs started to spawn. The mobs ran from me, but the Enderman stayed close, they knew who I was, they knew very well what would happen if my father found out they had seen me. I would be punished for running away, the night of becoming, the night I ran away to be with him. Lucy and James hurried inside and I smiled. This was going to be so easy. I led them into a tiny room without windows and I locked the door behind me. "Lucy, how would you feel if you knew you were going to die tonight?" I asked her. "I dunno, maybe run away?" She said. "Well, you are going to die. Unless, you can answer my question correctly. But first, I need to tell you my story." I said. My eyes became purple and I opened my wings. Lucy and James both gasped. "Y-your a h-hybrid?" James stuttered.

"Yes, and no. I was born this way. I'm the daughter of the Enderdragon. My name is Lavinia Ender. Hence my nickname, Vine." I said with a sinister smile. "I was born in Ionia, a 'human' baby. My mother hadn't realized my father was the Enderdragon until my first birthday, when he told her, and showed her. She loved him no matter what, and they left me in the care of some Endermen, and retreated to the End, where they live now. I'm the princess of the End, Heir to the End and The Darkness. When I was 11, I met him. We became friends easily and I stayed in Bandle City with him, he was born there, and that's the reason that I'll let James go free later." I said. "Why not let me go now?" He asked.

"Because, then I would have no fun, and I need you to deliver to Sky a message. Now back to my story. When I was 16, he asked me out. My younger brother, Seto, had started to hang around, and during the day he would follow me, a safe distance away of course. I fell in love with the boy, and Seto disappeared. When I turned 18, my father came to see me. He told me my life was going to change, as he had agreed to something. He told me that Skybrine, who you both know as Sky, who is Herobrine's son, had asked my father to marry me. Sky had seen me on a visit to Bandle City with his friends and he fell in love. He didn't know I was a hybrid, and he still doesn't know. No one ever asked me if I wanted my life to change, if I wanted to leave my love. I had gotten engaged and I had to marry Sky. I fought my father, I wasn't ready to marry someone else, I knew Sky wasn't worthy of my love, he wasn't worth my time. I still had to marry him. I told my love and he cried, for two days. He refused to eat, and I felt sick forcing him to eat. I told him I would come back for him, always. Three days later, I was shipped off to Sky City. Sky was nice and polite, but it sickened me to have to love him, even touch him. I went behind his back and always went to my home, where my love lived. One day, I got pregnant. I hadn't told Sky about the one I truly loved, and he found out the day I had my daughter. My love had come and I wanted him to have her, to have Essence. Sky took Essence from my love and the next day, my love was executed for 'treason'. Two days from my marriage to Sky, I faked my suicide. I ran away and I sickened my to know I had left my child, the last thing left of my true love, with that monster. Since that day, I've tried to help Sky's enemies, the squids. He doesn't know who the informant is, or that it's me, or that I'm alive. So here's my question, if you know your history Lucy, you'll know who it is. Who is my lover?" I said. Lucy looked confused before saying "Is it Ty?". "No! You fool. My lover was known by all as Bodil. But only I knew his real name, Martin." I said. I walked up to Lucy and whispered "Goodbye." before breaking her neck.

I turned around to face James. "I want you to tell Sky, That the next attack will take the thing he loves most, the girl he took from Lavinia." I said. I held James's hand and envisioned the market place in Sky City. I opened my eyes and saw the market and let James go. I ran into the shadow's and changed what I looked like. I now looked like a 15 year old girl with long Auburn curls, blue eyes, fair skin, thin frame, black cat ears, and I also had a black tail. I looked like a cat hybrid and I decided my new name would be Auburn Shade. I emerged from the shadows wearing a green tank-top, blue shorts, and white sandals. I hopped happily down the road. I had some people to visit.

I came to a white house and I knocked on the door. A girl with blonde hair opened the door and her face lit up when she saw me. "Auburn!" She said before hugging me. I hugged her back. "It's been such a long time since I last saw you!" She said, pulling me into her home. "Yeah, it's been long, Echo." I said. "Shh. What if I had someone over Lavinia? We are trying to over throw Adam, shock him with your existence before you get to kill him. But don't worry, the rest of us are here." Echo said leading me into the large living room, where the rest of my "kind" were levitating off the ground and talking to each other. Amethyst, Amber, Ametrine, Azurite, Beryl, Chryso, Diamond, Emerald, Fluorite, Garnet, Jade, Lapis, Opal, Pearl, Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, and Turquoise were there. Echo walked over to Garnet and took her son, Titanite, from Garnet. Echo walked back to me and smiled. "Isn't he adorable?" She asked. "He's nice." I said. "You should start the meeting. I'm sorry about your group, the Enders. They all got separated during the last war. Adam's army was almost defeated but then they found them, doing the spell and killed three of them, the rest fled to the corners of Minecraftia. Adam's been trying to find them without success." Echo said. I nodded and sat down. I knew Adam would try to kill us, he was losing the war against us and the squids who just supply us. "Does everyone know what's been happening?" I asked. Many nodded, but a few looked confused. "Sky is trying to separate us, thinking we aren't connected from long distances, but we are. He is hunting us down, so he could kill us and win this everlasting war. We can not afford the price of letting him win. Which is why I'm coming back, for revenge and to avenge my apprentice and our two friends, who have died because of him. Not to mention our families and family members." I said, thinking of my sister, who wasn't just my sister, she was my apprentice in dark and light magic. My sister was named Bellatrix. Her best friend, Cheren, is my other apprentice in dark magic only though (A/N In Bulgarian Cheren or черен means Black). "When are we killing him completely?" Sapphire asked. "It has not been determined yet, we must consult the Zodiac girls, who currently aren't reachable. All that is known now is that I will be the one to kill Adam, or Sky as you know him." I said. The Zodiac girls were pretty much goddesses that we had the capability of contacting. "Good Lutsk Sky!" The girls started to chant, even Echo and I joined in. We ended up stopping very soon, in fear guards would come and try to kill us. "Who are we doing this for?" I yelled. "For our family!" They yelled back. "Why are we doing this?" I yelled. "For the rest of the world! For our fallen sisters!" They yelled back. "Why am I doing this?" I yelled. "For Martin! For your love! For Ever!" They yelled back. Ever had to be at least 16 by now, when your immortal, it gets hard to keep track of the years. When dawn had approached, the girls started to leave, teleporting to their various homes in Sky City. "Lavinia, why did you tell them we could not reach the Zodiac girls?" Echo asked me. "We can not afford to get their disapproval." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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