Chapter 1: Already a yandere

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Just like any day Rachelle got up, got dressed and went to school with her beautiful, straight, caramel hair unbrushed yet looked like it'd just been straightened and pampered to the thinnest strand of hair.Looking around her icy, cold, blue eyes shone upon different objects and noticed a young black cat in a box. Bending down she gave her breakfast, a slice of toast to the starving cat.

Sitting there playing with the cat suddenly coming up behind her, a shy individual leaned over her and started talking to her ' hey... do you like cats too?' Answering him she said in her lilac voice 'oh ya! I've already got one at home but I always get some on the street and bring them home, let them recuperate and then sadly have to give them away...'  Rachelle finished off sounding depressed. 'Oh... I kind of know how you feel too... I'm not allowed to have cats but still love them! Sorry... didn't mean to talk so loud...''oh it's fine!' Responded Rachelle genuinely 'Thank you for the talk... I'm sorry I have to go now...see you soon?' The introverted said while thinking "she's so pretty, and nice too... hope I see her again soon..." Finally looking up Rachelle's naturally seductive gaze landed on the boy that was already walking away at a pace that could amaze some, all while doing so, silently.

Eyes still looking at the boy, her eyes naturally glittered like a thousand icicles on a summer morning. The warm autumn breeze blew her hair across her doll sized face and caused her to put some behind her ear. As she got up and started to walk she didn't notice the long since forgotten childhood friend on the corner looking at her with a gaze so intense it would be able to go up against the suns heat, while all of this happened every boy looked at her and desired her while the girls desired to be her. Not noticing she  continued walking forward with her model body and headphones plugged in listening to the latest Spotify music.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Later At school ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Standing up, a bob haired brunette looked down at her fellow peolple on the student council  and began to speak ' Hi, today I'm like to inform you all, that 6 guys are going to join our school and who would like to volunteer to help them out and give them a tour?' 

While asking this Rachelle had some EarPods in, not listening and saw that some people were putting up their hands and followed them up. Bringing her head up she realized her fatal mistake. 'Oh Rachelle you want to help out? Then could I trouble you with the job of informing them about the school as well as touring these guys?  And of course answer some of their questions? Oh and thanks you for this, it's so helpful!'

 Smiled the brunette which made it basically impossible for Rachelle to deny her mistake... 'Oh! It's fine... it's totally no prob... like why ever would I put my hand up if I didn't want to help out... ha ha ha' awkwardly laughing she answered. 'Of course! Well then... blah blah blah....' Rachelle started to ignore the unnamed student councilor and continue to listen to her obsessive music 'la la la' Rachell started to sing with her music softly yet loud enough for the ones around to hear, causing them to be dazed for a grand deal longer than a moment yet felt exactly like one to the eavesdroppers to the level  that they all forgot what they even did during this blissful time.

 'So is that ok?' Asked the 'in need of a favour' girl. 'Oh! Thats completely ok!' 'Great thanks! Well then you go to the office at ten and show them around till your done alright? And then... damn sorry I forgot to tell you that they're going to be waiting since befor ten so if you could be there at t ten... actually... So now that that's all done that's the student council meeting of this week done then! And thank you and goodbye!' Packing away gradually all the students left as well as Rachelle.

 Walking out she accidentally bumped into a wall? Wait no... that'd hurt a lot more... I'd know... then a person... oh no! 'Sorry! Sorry! I really didn't mean to hit into you!' Standing up she offered her hand to the handsome fellow. Taking that hand the blonde male looked up to her sparkling eyes and suddenly became obsessed with them. 'Oh! Oh! It's ok! You obviously didn't mean to!' Looking down at the average heightened girl making her suddenly start to blush and gradually the boys thought became from "she's so cute. ........To....... I must have her and show me all of her emotions and only me..." (Already basically a yandere!) 'Thank you! I really am sorry' I just came from the student council meeting and wasn't focusing! I'm not trying to make an excuse though! Uh... I'm gonna just stop talking...'

 'ha ha ha' Laughing heartily he answered her with 'your in the student council? Do you enjoy it?' ' emmmmm I don't mind it... butttt... I was basically forced  in by Zack sooo... yeah?' Gradually getting quieter noticing the weird atmosphere she looked up the young lad suddenly skilled a very fake smile... feeeling awkward she went ahead and said  bye then left. Looking at her disappearing back, the still unknown guy started to think worrying thought such as "who's Zack? It couldn't be her boyfriend? Right? No she's a lovely, innocent, girl wuod never hurt anyone... he must be trying to hurt her! That's it! No wonder! She being tricked by him... I have to tell her! Wait no I don't want her to know of this thing known as deceit! It could make her impure... I'll get some info and help her out...yes that's what I'll do..."

No knowing that she'd just made a form of yandere she continued on her yellow brick road (corridor) and went looking for her locker as it was at the end of the hall in the last 9. "Hmmmmm... it's still a little while till I have to go sooo what should I do?" Answering this question she saw a very 'characteristic' guy standing in the middle of the hall looking a little lost. Walking over to help she startd directing him to the office all whilst thinking "why would he be going to the office at this time? Meh... doesn't really matter..." while the very much 'characteristic' dude thought " so nice! I have to repay her by keeping all the evil people away from her! All of them!" As the guy slouched off depressed about leaving the girl she simply smiled at helm and continued on her way to find her hang out 'centre'.

Going in, she noticed  yet another handsome, unknown lad standing in her 'centre' getting slightly angry she glared a t him and started to say 'Hey you! Ya you! Why you here?....'

Words: 1182 words! 

*this one will be one of the longest chapters because it's the intro so pls don't expect such long ones for every chapter k? Thx! ✨❤️✨

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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