Welcome to Duel Academy

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"Luster Dragon #2, attack her Dark Witch Knight!" The instructor called out to his glowing blue dragon. The female applicant on the other side of the field narrowed her turquoise colored eyes.

(Luster Dragon #2 LV 6/ATK: 2400 DEF: 1400)

(Dark Witch Knight LV 4/ATK: 2100 DEF: 1400)

"Not so fast," the brunette girl smiled, "I activate Dark Witch Knight's special ability! I'm allowed to reduce her Attack Points by 300 to destroy one monster she battles with!" Her knight with a purple witch's hat drew her sword, lunging at the instructor's Luster Dragon, long black hair blowing in the wind along with her red cape.

(Dark Witch Knight LV 4/ATK: 1800 DEF: 1400)

(Luster Dragon #2 LV 6/ATK: 2400 DEF: 1400)

"Huh, not bad, Miss Thorne," the male instructor smirked as his dragon was destroyed. The girl smiled appreciatively at the praise, "now what are you going to do when your opponent doesn't have any monsters on their side of the field."

"Good question, Mr. Teacher," replied she, drawing a card from her Deck. She was about to attack when she spotted the two face down cards on the instructor's side of the field. Better play it safe! She thought to herself. Glancing at her field, her turquoise eyes lit up once she spotted her own face down. Bad news for you, Mr. Instructor! To think, I almost forgot about my own face down!

"I'll tell you what I'm gonna do!" She shouted stretching her hand out over her field, "I activate my Trap card, Magic Pumpkin Blast! This card allows me to destroy all face down Spells and Traps on the field!" Flaming pumpkins shot out from the card, smashing into the instructor's face downs, revealing Mirror Force and Magic Jammer. The girl with caramel brown hair sighed in relief. It's a good thing that was a Trap card or else I would have been in trouble!

"That was a risky move," the male smirked at the bold move, "it's a good thing you didn't have any other face down cards as they would have been destroyed as well." That's right! I forgot about the drawback! I guess it is a good thing I didn't have another Spell or Trap on the field!

"Now that you don't have any defenses left," she pointed at the instructor, "Dark Witch Knight, Attack the teacher directly with Magic Blade Crush!" The blue eyed monster flung herself at the instructor, raising her arming sword for an attack which glowed with a purple light.

(Dark Witch Knight LV 4/ATK: 1800 DEF: 1400)

(Instructor LP: 1400 Thorne LP: 2500)

Dark Witch Knight swung her sword down, the instructor gasping as the female monster did so.

(Instructor LP: 1400- 0)

"Well, Miss Christina Thorne, I welcome you to Duel Academy," he walked over, and shook the light skinned girl's hand. Christina smiled kindly at the male teacher.

"Thanks!" She replied with a close eyed smile, "I can't wait!" The instructor gave a hardy laugh at the girl's enthusiasm.

Lined up with the other freshman, Christina could hardly contain her excitement to receive a uniform. There was a buff boy lined up in front of her with a dinosaur bandanna on. It seems he wasn't happy about the dorm he's in. Is Ra Yellow really that bad? I guess he really wanted to be in Obelisk Blue. They explained to him why he couldn't start in Obelisk, and he accepted the yellow shirt albeit reluctantly, stomping away rather angrily. Christina followed him with her eyes, turquoise shining with slight sympathy. He must have tried really hard for Obelisk. Maybe I should be more concerned? She shook the doubtful thoughts away. It doesn't matter what dorm I get in as long as I can duel strong opponents!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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