Friend of mine (one-shot)

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Marinette sits on the park bench and exhales, it smells like spring and flowers throughout the park. This week has been quite stressful - Having your own fashion company was not that easy.

As a teenager, it was easy to forget about everything like electricity bills and stuff like that.

But as a 23-year-old you have to think about it, a lot.

She checks in the newspaper that she had brought from work last Friday, it says some things about her in it but it's still mostly about Gabriel Agreste and his son. Adrien, they had gone in the same class in high school and during that time she had the biggest crush on him (still have) and they were great friends, but they lost contact. The only one she still has contact with is Alya but they don't meet that often. Alya is together with Nino and she's always nagging and nagging that Marinette should try to find someone, but Marinette doesn't have time for it - she needs work and be ladybug at the same time, that's enough.

Yesterday she had been really tired, she almost remembered nothing after she had used the "miraculous ladybug power" until she woke up at home with her mother and father in her childhood room. The only explanation she can come up with is that Chat noir took her from the crowd, saw her de-transformed, and took her to her parents. Holy crap.

She had to make up a story about how chat noir saved her after the Akuma without exposing that she was ladybug.

The bench rocks and a man sits next to her, Marinette looks at him in the corner of her eye. He has blond hair, a white T-shirt and blue shorts. He's gazing out at the statue of the city's superheroes, then he turns his head toward her and she looks away as fast as possible. Would this be classified like stalking? No? Right?

"Hey, Marinette!" The man (whom she apparently knows) has a very, very familiar voice but she can't come up with who's. So she turns her head and meets his Emerald green eyes.

"Hi ..." She tries to sound as if she also recognizes him, as it might be someone from work (what if it's someone from work! And I don't know who it is! Bad boss Marinette! Bad! ) or it's not, in any case, she doesn't want to make anyone sad. But the thing about trying to sound like she knew him, didn't work.

"You don't recognize me, huh?" He sounds a little disappointed and starts to scratch his neck.

"I am sorry, but no ... ... IF YOU ARE SOMEONE FROM WORK, I AM SO, SO SORRY!" She exclaims and he looks intensely at her with a shocked face, a little surprised by her outburst. "It's just that, it's so stressful. I have to count all the costs, come up with new designs and stillhavetimeformyself- ah now I'm talking too much, sorry ... "

"'s okay. I am not someone from your job, but I could have been." He looks as if the sun had lost a damn ray of sunshine, which does not care how strange she is. But what did he mean that he COUlD have been someone at her job ?? Marinette looks into his eyes again, though they sit on each end of the bench, he feels very close.

"You have your own company now, right?" He asks.

"Yes, it is pretty good, but it is stressful ..." then she realizes that he still hasn't told her who he is. "And then you sit here, thinking it's still okay to not tell me who you are!" She giggles while she beats his shoulder loosely (but quite hard) with the magazine she kept in her hand all the time. Then he starts laughing, his laugh is like music to her ears...wait, what. She likes Adrien, right?

"Hey! that hurt!" he gets out between laughter. When they calm down (it sounds like it took forever, but it didn't) he asks:" You seriously don't remember me?" He becomes silent as if he thinks and then he shows up his charm bracelet "not even this?"

"Hmm .." the bracelet has lots of beads on it (of course) ... and ... her brain sets the full speed on, She, has, just, beaten, Adrien, Adrien Agreste, with a newspaper, on the shoulder!! On, his, shoulder!

"A ... ADRIEN!" She jumped a little further back on the bench (if it's even possible). He must believe that she's some kind of a woman who beats people with newspapers and they will never marry, and, and- ugh, shil you're old friends. He wouldn't think that.

"Yup." He takes down the bracelet in his pocket again and smiles, he doesn't at all bother saying that she flew several meters up in the air just now (or maybe it just felt so ....)

"It's absolutely unbelievable that you don't recognize me, especially now when dad has put up pictures of me all over Paris .." he smiles a little wider (or grins him?) And bends forward to whisper in her ear, "I think he is afraid little competition actually. " Leaving Marinette frozen and shocked.

"Come on, I'll show you something!" He grabs her hand and runs to the nearest train. When they go off Adrien leads the way to a large meadow with lots of blue flowers.

Marinette's eyes see the place almost magical place she's seen in years "Wow!"

He laughs her comment. "Mom always took me here until ... ah you know ...." he silences and looks away at the end of the meadow

"I'm so sorry ..." A sentence! Yay continue like this! Pretend it's Nino or someone! And that he's not like so cute...uhhh!

"It's okay, it feels awful to say, but I'm kind of used now." He smiles faintly at her.

"Do you know what it is for the flower?"

" ..." she sits down on her knees and carefully watches the little blue flower. "Eh ... Or yes, Forget-me-not, right?"

"That's right!" He smiles and reaches a hand to her and it takes a while before Marinette understands that she should grab it, and then Adrien helps her up.

"I need to go soon." He says and smiles weakly. He raises her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

Marinette can't say a word until a picture of Chat Noir doing the same thing shows up in her head and all the puzzle pieces fall into place. After that, she gets a short inner panic and can only stand like a statue. Adrien is chat. Chat is Adrien.


Marinette throws herself on a grinning Adrien in a hug.

"Idiot." She murmurs into his shoulder and he laughs.

"But I'm your idiot?" he sais and makes puppy eyes waiting for an answer.

Marinette playfully pokes his nose tip "If you catch me" then she reaches out her tongue and runs away.

"Just wait" he starts running after her before he comes up with a plan. "claws out!"


"You never said anything about rules bugaboo."

Marinette groans and continues to run as fast as she can, though deep down she wants him to win.

~ End ~



I'm sorry, English is my second language.

If you got this far please comment something! I'd love to hear from you!

Hugs 💜

Friend of mine (one-shot, Miraculous ladybug)Where stories live. Discover now