Mess of a Birthday

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Ugh I hate birthdays.. they're so stupid.  Didn't your mom do all the work for you like all you did was breathe and cry the day you were born.  My parent's genetics are gross so I'm insecure and I have social anxiety and I'm slightly depressed.

Also today is my mum's boyfriend's birthday, uh more people in the house I'm unfamiliar with, more time locked up in my room again because I hate socialising no matter what. 

My room isn't that small nor big.  It could possibly fit about 3 double beds which is reasonable I guess.  My room is mostly black and white because I'm not a fan of colours, also I have hundreds of little fairy lights everywhere and I love it, it's so aesthetically pleasing.  My room also has slightly slanted walls which I find v annoying because I'm unable to put posters up and I have a mirror with poloroids hanging from the fairy lights around it, I think it's pretty. 
I still don't really love my room but I don't really love anything in general so it doesn't matter.

"Get fucking dressed and ready everyone is coming in 10minutes, you lazy shit" yells my mom, Reta.

"Leave me alone" I reply while sobbing and trying to find something to wear even though I'm going to lock myself up in my room I'll never know what could happen at least I'll be wearing decent clothes. 

I pick out some black jeans and a black cropped long sleeve shirt and I go back to my room.  I pick up my phone to see my friend's talking on a group chat abt drama or some bullshit I don't care about.  I text my friend Lena which I've never met irl before but I trust the most because my rl friends reply with "oof" to everything I tell them or open up about.

I said "Hey"
"Heyyy how's you?" She replies
Me:"I've been v down today I hate my whole family, I only have 2 biological family members and they're both assholes"

L:"Aw I'm sorry what's bothering you?"

Me:"The fact that it's my mum's bf's birthday and no one seems to acknowledge the fact I exist, which is usually a good thing I don't know why I care today"

L:"When did the party start? Maybe not everyone is here yet to check up on you?"

Me:"Like half an hour ago I think, it's 7.30pm already"

L:"we can call if you want I'll keep you company I'm not doing much right now"

*Phone rings*
I start drawing and listening to music while we call and rant. I enjoy calling her, she's the only person I feel comfortable with.

*Call lasts about 3hours*

It's now about 11pm.  I hear telling but I can't tell if they're just telling bc they're drunk or are they telling for me?
"LIJJAAAA, COME DOWN NOW" yells one of the drunk idiots down there.  I'm the only one living upstairs by the way so it's peaceful, usually.
I don't reply to the yelling because I don't want to.  The music gets louder and so does the yelling.

At this point I'm thinking "damn my poor fucking neighbors".

*3hours later*

It's 2am.  My best friend is meant to come to my house at 11am to hang about.  My house is a mess, there's police outside, there's a fight in the back yard and mind me I'm literally 15, I'm underage and I shouldn't even be here.

I don't know what's happening.  I have only one window to the back yard in my room.

I hear someone upstairs they seem to be breathing loudly, and sound lost and terrified.


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