Momo X Hibiya 「FANFIC」

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Momo was going to meet Hibiya at park.

'Hibiya ! -waves'


'What are we gonna do?' she asked.

'..Um..going to somewhere,..'

'Okay! Let's go there!' she said.

~ Hibiya's POV ~

We took a walk along the street, obaa-san  took my hand and smiled.

I always blushing when I looked at her smile.

She's..kinda..cute- nevermind.

After that she treat me an ice cream.

~Momo's POV~

We just took a walk and I treat him an ice cream.

Damn, he look so cute.

I was about to melt when I looking at him.

'Obaa-san, I need to go to the restroom. I need to wash my face.'

'Alright! Well, I should stay here'.

~Hibiya's POV~

Along the street, I saw a flower shop.

I bought a bouquet of roses for her.

When I came back, she was staring at the breathtaking view.

'O-obaa-san.. I bought something for you'..

'A- a bouquet of roses ?!!! Sugoii!! *smells*'

'Do-do you like it, ?..'

'Of course !!! Thank you so much Hibiya !!!'



'I need to tell you something'..

'What is it, Hibiya?'

'I..I love you, obaa-san'. -kiss-



'I need to tell you something..too..'

'What is it-


'I..I love you too,..Hibiya'.. *hug*

'I love you more,..Momo..' *hug back*

'Hibiya, called my name'..


Hi guys! XD Sorry this story is too short. Lol. I hope I can make another fanfic !

©SydneyCupcake 2014

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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