Dress coded

42 7 6

Jan 29, 2019

So I had a bag of crisps and I was almost done with them, and I'm straightening the bag out so I can pour the crumbs in my mouth, when I hear: "You know you have holes in your pants."

And it wasn't a question. It was a statement. I have a centimetre wide, one inch long rip (you can't even see my skin) right above my left knee, an average sized hole on my right knee, and an upside down guitar looking rip (also can't see my skin barely).

So this old teacher is standing there with her arms crossed lookin at me like I don't have ANY pants on. "Yeah I know." I said, a mouth full of crisp crumbs. "Okay well you need to go to the office."

Ok like I didn't expect that. I knew as soon as she mentioned my pants I would get sent to the office. "Yeah yeah just let me finish." I said, dumping more crumbs in my mouth. "You need to go now." She said in an annoying teachers voice. "Just let me finish." I had said in an exasperated voice. Can you guess what this teacher did next? Did she... say okay and leave?

No. AHAHAHA NOOO. This teacher. Had the audacity. To SNATCH THE BAG FROM MY HANDS. I just about slapped her right there. Mmmmmmm. My face was probably like a great meme. I just looked at her hand, and I just about snatched the bag back. But I didn't want to get in more trouble so I grabbed my math book and hit her with that instead. 

Jk, I put it inside on my desk. As I was walking in to the class room though, this annoying popular kid, Jeremy, was like holding his stomach and laughing so hard. I should have slapped him too.

So I go down to the office, wait at the front for like a million hours because it's the start of a new quarter and everybody is confused with their schedules. So I go in, and sit. The vice principal is like, "Keira, qu'est-ce qui t'amène ici?" (Keira what brings you here?) and I'm like, "Ce professeur de chienne a volé mes frites." No I actually said, "Ripped jeans." And that's it but whatever. So yeah.

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