Beggining of all ends

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World War III

The government's army gradually approached the Adelaide Hill's and unfortunately I

happened to be one of them.

I still remember the first group of people that went missing. Amongst them was James, who

was my best friend at the time. It was mid-morning on a Saturday, the 26th of June 3008 to be

precise. I was on my way to his house to pick him up for church and we were running late as

per usual. I started to approach his door and that was when I heard a scream. It was James!

I ran up to the front door of the house and swung the door open. I sprinted around the house

looking for any sign of him, but found none. Where was he? Was I going insane? As I was going through all of the questions in my head what I didn't

know was that my best friend was on his way with a small group of other people to the place

I call Hades, a place I too would soon be brought.

My first day at Hades was the worst. I arrived at the Hell-hole with five other kids that used to

go to school with me - when there was a school. We were all thrown into what I liked to call

the Torture Chambers. There was no light, water or food, only left over stale bread that they

did not want to give to the pigs. I can still recall the first time that we actually got fed a proper

meal. We ate mashed potato, grilled beef tenderloin and six green beans with a glass of

purple fanta. Before that night a meal had been foreign to me for several months.

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