Interrupted mid-march

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Macaron cookie was making her way through the pumpkin land of fear, marching through the land

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Macaron cookie was making her way through the pumpkin land of fear, marching through the land. Her little macaron animals jumped up in the air cheering gleefully as macaron fireworks shot in the air. Macaron loved playing her drum around the cookie kingdom, especially while she's doing a solo march. She always kept a slow and steady pace while marching, unlike her sister, who always moved at a fast pace.

All was going fine and well until there was another drum roll not from macaron. She stopped without warning and the little macaron animals bumped into each other, falling flat on their backs like dominos. "Is someone trying to out drum us?" Macaron asked. A little chicken macaron hopped on to her shoulder and directed her attention to a stage with purple curtains. She walked up to the stage, which only a handful of people were around.

All of a sudden, "poof!" A bunch of orange powder appeared, revealing a cookie with orange hair. "Welcome one and all! It is I! Cinnamon cookie! The great and terrible!" They said. "Terrible because their tricks are terrible!" A man mumbled to his friend. Cinnamon cookie took off their hat, "look and be amazed! As you can see, this hat is completely empty!". "But you'd be wrong!" They then reached into their hat and took out a bunny, "Tada! It's cinnamon bunny!". The audience, including macaron, applauded.

They placed their bunny into a box, "Now, I shall make my adorable little rabbit disappear before your very eyes!". A poof of cinnamon, an open of the box, and the bunny was gone! A few people gasped, while some rolled their eyes. "Worry not! For I shall make him reappear again!" Cinnamon assured. Another poof, an open of the box, and the bunny still was gone??? "Eheheh... Oh..." They chuckled nervously, "don't worry! I'm sure he's around here somewhere!". They started to look all around, " Come on... Not today cinnamon bunny...". "This isn't going well, is it?" Macaron said quietly. "Oof!" The orange haired cookie squeaked. The bunny had jumped out of nowhere and bounced off cinnamon's head. It growled at cinnamon and hopped backstage. Macaron laughed and clapped at the little scene. Cinnamon noticed and their cheeks turned to a dark brown.

"Heh... Sorry, folks! He's a... Little mad at me for squishing his head a while back..." They chuckled, "ehem! Now I will need a volunteer from the audience!". No one raised their hand. It was dead silent. You could hear the mice eating the crumbs of leftover food on the ground. "A-anyone? Maybe?" They stuttered. "I'll do it!" Macaron announced. Cinnamon was surprised, no one, aside from a few people, would volunteer for their tricks. "Alright then! Please come up!" Cinnamon beamed.

Macaron came up on the stage and stood in front of cinnamon, genuinely excited for what was to come. "What might be your name?" The magician asked. "Macaron cookie." She smiled. "Macaron cookie! Might I say, you are one pretty lady here!" Cinnamon complimented. Macaron's cheeks became a soft tint of pink, "oh... Why thank you!". "Now," Cinnamon continued, pulling out cards from nowhere, "as I have my back turned, I want you to pick a card". "Alrighty!" The drummer agreed. Cinnamon turned their back as macaron picked a card. Out of all the cards, she chose a queen card, "I've picked one!". "Huh? Oh yes! Heh... I forgot!" They stammered, "So... is THIS your card?". Macaron gasped; it was the exact same one she had picked, "Woah! It is!". "Hahaha! You've been a great volunteer, miss macaron!" They laughed. "It's been a pleasure!" She replied. "But wait! What's that behind your ear?" Cinnamon stopped her. Macaron looked confused as cinnamon walked up to her. They put their hand behind her ear and pulled out a bouquet of flowers. "Oh my goodness!" She gasped, "thank you so much!". "Don't mention it!" They smiled. Macaron cookie then walked off the stage with a sense of happiness. "Thank you all for coming to my show today! You've been a great audience today! Until next time!" Cinnamon beamed. A poof of cinnamon, and they were gone.

"Wow... They're really something..." The drummer girl smiled. "Yeah, something terrible!" The same man from before boasted. "Hey now! That's rude!" She said. "Don't deny it, those tricks were so bad, one of the mice had a heart attack!" He declared. "Well, they do eat food off the ground, and the food here does have a lot of trans fat and-" She started. "Whatever, if that guy wants to REALLY impress us, they'd do some REAL magic" The man said as he walked away. "Is... this why no one comes to their shows that much?" Macaron thought to herself. She looked up at the stage and wondered if cinnamon was still there, "It wouldn't hurt to just look, right?". She went upstage and went to the back.

In their dressing room, cinnamon was talking to their stubborn rabbit. "Cinnamon bunny, you gotta come back through the door when I bring you back..." They told it. Cinnamon bunny growled at them once again, "Now, don't give me that look-". Cinnamon had pointed their finger at the bunny and he bit it. "GAHAHAHA!!!" Cinnamon shrieked, "alright, I'm sorry!". There was a knock on the door, "hello? Cinnamon cookie, are you there?". "Oh! uh... coming!" They stuttered. They opened the door to see macaron cookie, "Oh! Macaron cookie! I uh... Didn't expect to see you here!". "Is... This a bad time?" She frowned. "Oh Nonono! You're perfect fine!" Cinnamon assured, "um, why don't you come in?". Cinnamon didn't know what else to do at this point, they never had anyone visit them before. "Oh, why thank you!" Macaron Gushed.

They both entered the room and sat down next to each other. "So, what brings you to my dressing room on this fine evening, in this fine room, behind this fine stage, in this fine carnival, in this fine land, in the fine cookie kingdom, sitting right next to the one and only cinnamon cookie?" Cinnamon asked. She chuckled at the verbose statement they made, "well, I wanted to get to know you better!". "Oh well that's- wait a second, you aren't here just to figure out my secrets, are you?" They raised a brow. "Oh no! I genuinely think you're a friendly and charming person, and those rude people out there don't know what they're talking about!" Macaron said. Cinnamon's cheeks turned to a dark brown again, "woah, really? That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!".

"Hoho... Don't mention it!" She replied, "so do you live here? You are a performer after all". "Nope! I perform here occasionally, but I really just live in the city of wizards with my little brother Wizard cookie!" They jested. "Ooh! The city of Wizards? I've never actually been there, but I've heard it's very beautiful!" She smiled. "Yes, it's very magical indeed! There's the halls, the interior, the clock tower, there's even an ancient sleeping cookie right before your eyes!" The magician smiled, "I should show you around sometime!". "Oh yes! That would be lovely!" Macaron said. "Now, what's your story? Do YOU live here?" They asked. "No, I actually march all around the kingdom! I do however, live in snowy valley with my sister, Marshmallow! There's nothing really special there, just snow, trees, rocks, (flying Snowballs that will ruin your trophy race score) and Yeti! And boy, do the yeti hate my sis-" She stopped, remembering something, "oh my goodness! What time is it?!".

Cinnamon looked at a watch on their wrist, "it's 6:00, why?". "Oh, it's just that my sister wanted me to meet her at a cafe at 8:00. Thank millennial tree time goes slow" She sighed. Cinnamon bunny hopped over to cinnamon and made some squeaks, "eh it's upside down?". They flipped their watch and their eyes widened from reality. "Uh, macaron... You might not wanna see this..." They shuddered. Macaron looked over at the watch and saw it was actually 9:00. "No! Marsha is gonna kill me!" She got up and headed for the door, "sorry cinnamon, but I'm late! I'll promise I'll come back, I swear!". Before cinnamon could say "I can't believe Gracie is going to post this fanfiction", macaron was gone.

"Well, that was something..." They sighed, "wait, didn't I have something going on too?". Their mind was turning, you could literally see the mathematical equations coming from their head. "Yes! I was supposed to meet wizard at the clock tower!" Cinnamon recalled. They ran into the closet to change into their fortune teller outfit, picked up cinnamon bunny and ran out.

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