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Beep! Beeeeep!

Michael's cellphone gave the usual obnoxious beeping sound as it received a text.


Michael snapped awake as he felt the device vibrating on his stomach. It was another one of those days where he fell asleep on his couch while watching TV.

Who the hell could be texting me?

Michael was pretty much all alone in his mansion as Amanda had broken up with him once again after another heated argument over his "life choices". Sure, he promised her that he would stop the excessive drinking and spending all his time on his ass in front of the TV, but it was another thing when it came to his friends. No matter how much Amanda bitched at him about hanging out with Trevor and Franklin, there was no way he was gonna cut off all contact with his friends.

It didn't take long before Amanda exploded off on one of her fits again and giving Michael a choice: her or Franklin and Trevor. Michael tried to reason with her that they were done after the "big one", but she didn't approve of them hanging out. In the end, she stormed off and left divorce papers saying that he lied and wasn't any different than before. Michael didn't give nearly as much concern as he thought he would. He and Amanda had a long and strenuous relationship that was already broken down to the point where they were more like friends then lovers. It had been a month or two since then.

Michael shook his head to clear his thoughts as he pressed a few buttons on his phone to bring up the new text message. His left eyebrow raised an inch or so when he saw that it was from Franklin. It was the first time in a few weeks that Franklin sent him a text. The kid was pretty busy buying up property all over Los Santos, making bargains to slowly take over the city piece by piece. The text was pretty short-

"Yo M. Was wondering if you were free to hang out or something? It's been a while since I hung out with you or T."

Michael gave a small smile as he quickly tapped a reply back-

"Sure. Pretty lonely over here. Wanna meet up by the Rockford Plaza at like 1?"

He waited a few minutes for the reply-

"Alright. See you later man. I'll shoot a text to T....maybe Lamar too."

Michael frowned a bit at the second mention of Trevor. He couldn't imagine what would happen if they all met up and went shopping or some crap together. There was no way it was just going to be a "hang-out" with Trevor, but company was company after all. Michael wasn't one to beg. He gave a sigh as he made his way upstairs to his room.

It's gonna be a long day tomorrow.


The sun blazed brightly on the black tailgater as it wound its way up and down the street. Michael gave a glance at the watch on his right wrist as traffic slowed him down. Good, 15 minutes to 1. He had plenty of time to curse and yell at the horrendously slow drivers that always seemed to pop up no matter where he was.

It wasn't long before he made it to the parking lot just outside of the plaza. Michael gave a look out for anyone of the three as his car rolled to a stop. He scanned around him for a few seconds before deciding that they probably weren't there yet. With a small grunt of effort, he slipped out of his car and closed his door. Bah, they BETTER not be late. Michael had never been the patient type, no matter how old he got.

Time slowly passed by as Michael looked at people go about their business. He was slowly getting more and more ticked off, eventually taking out his phone to make a call to one of the idiots before a voice rang out behind him-

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