Dear You

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Blog Entry: #1

Title: Her Name Is Makaila

Tags: Love-struck, Couples, Ninja-creeped

Date: January 2nd, 2013

                    Hey everyone, I know I usually write stories but today I want to talk about something a bit more serious (and non-fictional). So I met this girl... Yeah yeah, I know, it sounds like the beginning of a god damn sappy romance novel and all of you out there are probably thinking, "Dude WTF is she doing? I don't follow her to hear about her stupid romance shit." Well too effing bad for you. If you don't want to read then don't read, but I need my healthy dose of seriousness too ya' know! Anywho, moving onward. I first saw her in 3rd period. She has really dark brown hair and the brightest green eyes you will ever see. I'm talking more green than Harry Potter's eyes. She's just so gorgeous I want to kidnap her and keep her locked up in my room forever (not that I actually would; I may be weird, but I'm not stalker). And she has one of the coolest personalities ever! She's so funny (in a wierd "You wouldn't get it unless you were a freak" kind of way), and when she laughs it's like an angel eating cupcakes! (Yes, I just described her laugh as an angel eating cupakes. No judging allowed. =_=) Her name is Makaila and I feel like a love-struck school girl! I just can't get enough of her!!! *Insert annoying fan-squeal here* Well enough with my incessant rambling/obsessive complimenting... *Sigh* I'm sure you guys want to hear about something else now huh? *Sighs dramatically* I guess I can work in a short funny-ish story about my day...

                    Allright so I was putting on my bathing suit this morning (still with me?) and I took my bra off (now ladies and gents don't go getting any smart ideas about imagining some hot super model changing. I am an average teenage girl who's short, average weight, and has a few imperfections. Sorry to burst your bubble). Now here's where the weird part came in. A quarter fell out. I know what you're thinking, "That's it???" well yeah but if you knew me you'd be freakin' right now. Here's a little background knowledge: I don't keep change. I always give my change to those little clear charity boxes next to the cash register. Not because I'm a genuinely giving person. I just don't like carrying around change. It's noisy, and small and just plain annoying to use. Once again I DO NOT CARRY CHANGE. AT ALL. But, me being me, I just blew it off and set the offensive coin in my sisters piggy bank. I should have listened to my instincts saying (*cough* screaming *cough*) "WIERD ALERT! WIERD ALERT!", but no~~o. I ha~ad to be normal for once. -_- A Penny fell from my Underpants. I don't care who you are. Nobody keeps pennies in their undies. I have come to the conclusion that either A: a very perverted ninja has a coin fetish lives within the confines of my closet, or B: there is a magical disappearing black hole in my undergarments. (Unfortunately) The latter is quite improbable. So I am being creeped on by a ninja who lives in my closet. That's just how it is. And I can't even bring myself to appreciate the epicness of being ninja-creeped because I've been thinking so much about Makaila... *sighs lovingly* Maka~aila.....<3 Doesn't her name just make you feel like you're going to puke rainbows? No? Just me then? Oh poo.... Well anyway, I need to head off before I start rambling again. ^~^

Loves and Nightmares,

~Lucy Lucy Chiharu



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2013 ⏰

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