You Make Me Strong 1

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Finally Saturday was here. Today was the Wyoming vs. Air Force game. I was excited, not for the game, but for him. I couldn't wait to see my crush, friend, buddy, Walker. A week ago was the Wyoming home opener. It was great. Basically a day of flirting. Since then I have been having dreams about him. It's amazing! My parents and I made our way over to Jeff's to pick him up. I was wearing jeans, boots, and a Wyoming shirt because I knew it was supposed to rain and I didn't want to be cold again even tho that would only give me an excuse to get closer to him. On the way to Laramie we talked about school and goofed off. When we got there we all walked around until it was time to enter the stadium. Most of the game we just sat there and occasionally played around or laughed at each other. Since it's a later game more people were drinking and being crazy. At halftime it started raining so we went under the stands I guess that's what you call it and stood around. Mom and dad went to the bathroom so it was just Walker and I. It was all good and we were talking and messing around until a group of boys came over. They ranged from 18-22 years old. That's when one of them decided to mess with me. They cut Walker off and the biggest one shoved me into the corner and started to touch me. I was terrified. I was yelling at him and all of his buddies surrounded us so that nobody could see or hear what was happening. After many desperate attempts to get away I broke down into tears and continued to try and fight him off but he was so much stronger, it was hopeless. Apparently Walker saw me and my tears in a gap between the other guys and decided that he had, had enough. He shoved two of the guys apart and pulled the other guy back. By then the guy (who wreaked of alcohol) had his hand up my shirt and the other on my ass holding my arms down in the process and was sucking on my neck. When Walker pulled him back he just kinda brushed it off and continued. I was desperately trying to get him off but he also was stepping on my toes so I couldn't kick or knee him. This time Walker shoved him as hard as possible and the guy moved over freeing my feet yet continued to grope me. As soon as my feet were freed I kicked him as hard as possible right in the shin. He stepped away and took his hands off of me as he grabbed at his leg. His buddies tried to grab Walker but the guy told them to back off. Walker shoved him back even farther once more and that's when the guy swung at him but missed. His friends watched and I collapsed in tears in the corner.

"Don't you fucking touch her!" Walker screamed at him

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can and can't do to her asshole!?" The guy yelled back

The guy swung again this time punching Walker in the stomach. He swung again hitting Walker in the side of the face. Walker cringed in pain but punched the guy back, hitting him in the side of the head. The guy dropped like a sack of potatoes. Walker stumbled back and lifted his hand to his head then looked at his fingers covered in blood from the gash on his cheek.

"Her boyfriend, the one who protects her." Walker snarled at the guy laying on the ground

The guys friends rushed to his side and bystanders just watched in awe. Walker turned around and saw me huddled in the corner with my face hidden shaking from the sobs and the fear. He walked over and knelt down in front of me rubbing my knee. I looked up with tears in my eyes and saw him sitting there with blood running down his face. He stood up and I followed. I instantly buried my head in his chest and lost it as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Shh it's ok now. I'm here. Let it out!" Walker tried to comfort me repeatedly

By the time that mom and dad returned the UW police and medics already showed up. They asked Walker and one of the friends a few questions as the medics carried the guy off. After they talked to the friend they questioned Walker. I stayed in his arms sobbing quietly the whole time.

"Sir can you explain to me what happened here?" The cop asked

"Yes I can. We were standing here minding our own business when that guy and his friends showed up. They all wreaked of alcohol. The guy who was on the ground cornered her and the friends surrounded them. At that time he started to grope her and she tried to fight him off but he overpowered her. Through two of the guys I saw her struggling and crying and it pissed me off so I intervened. He obviously punched me in the face and the gut so in my defense I punched him back and just so happened to knock him out." Walker explained

"Ma'am can you show me where he touched you?" The cop asked me

I turned towards the cop and pointed to all of the places and explained that he was also kissing my neck. The cop took some notes and told us that he would keep us updated on everything and asked if I wanted to press charges. I agreed and gave the cop my parents numbers as well as mine, and Walkers. After the officer left to talk to my parents a medic came and cleaned Walker up. The entire time I was leaning up against him for comfort. I had finally calmed down a little with only an occasional tear and could sorta breathe again by the time the medic was done. Walker had a bandaid thing on his cut which wasn't as bad as it seemed before, thank god.

"Are you ok Hon?" He asked

"Y-yeah I think so." I muttered

"Good!" He said as he pulled me into a hug once more

After the police were done with my parents they came over and talked to us about what happened and they thanked Walker for helping me. By then the game was over and the cowboys got their asses beat. We headed back to the car and he had his arm around me at all times. While crossing the parking lot I saw the guy and squeezed Walker and whimpered. He rubbed my back and my father yelled at the guy and we sped up. It was still raining and Walker kept me warm once again. When we got to the car all of us got in and I made sure that some part of my body was touching him at all times. This time it just so happened to be my hand on his arm. No more than five minutes after leaving the parking lot I was passed out. The whole thing wore me out I guess. As I drifted off I felt him move his hand to mine so that our fingers were intertwined. Forty-five minutes later I woke up as we pulled up to Jeff's house. All of us got out and went inside. My dad and Walker explained everything that happened. I was still leaning on him because I didn't feel safe otherwise. About an hour later it was time to go home. I buried my head in his chest once more and wrapped my arms around him and he did the same to me. I took in his scent and with a shaky voice said,

"Th-thank you s-so much Taco!"

"Your welcome Meg!" He giggled

I let him go and wandered out to the car, my parents following. I put my head down and sighed. We just sat there and all of a sudden my dad looked at me then my parents whispered something to each other and my dad got out and went back up to the house. A few minutes later he came back. This time Walker followed with a duffel bag. I just looked at my mom and she explained that he was staying the night so that I feel comfortable. He got in and we made our way home. I jumped in the shower and put on my pajamas and when I went into my bedroom my parents set the rules for him staying which I wouldn't even consider breaking after the events of the day. When I walked into the living room Walker was asleep on the beanbag in a t-shirt and shorts with an icepack on his face. I smiled and sat in the beanbag next to him. Suddenly I got really sleepy. I decided to just curl up into a ball next to him and without opening his eyes or saying a word he curled up around me and we fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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